Brother is suffering from paranoia

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Brother is suffering from paranoia

Post by marathonbar »

I don't even know if I have a question or just need to vent. My brother has been on Abilify for several years and probably a month or two ago he stopped taking it cold turkey and refuses to go back to the doctor. Of course, his symptoms have returned and his paranoia is at an all-time high. He thinks the government is after him and unfortunately, he works in a government-associated factory so he can't escape his delusions. He is married but all his wife does is yell at him. She doesn't understand that this is an illness. She wants him to just snap out of it. I get upset because he dumps all of this on my mother who is in her 80s. Today he left work suddenly and is convinced that he's going to be sued by the government and he'll lose his house. How do you deal with this when you know that medication will help but they refuse to take it? I feel helpless and I don't want to be the hero of this story. It just scares me that he'll get so out of control he'll do something serious.
I'm ready to live a life of joy.
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