genetic considerations

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genetic considerations

Post by periososa »

Not to diminish the strength and capacity to recover of Brenda Feehery to her terrible ordeal but in fairness to other people that doesn't show such capacity it is important to recognize genetic and inclusive anatomical factors that make our brain respond in different manners to similar situations. To many people a traumatic experience like that triggers severe depression and anxiety which is very difficult to treat while other people tends to recover very quickly with very few after effects, recent studies has found anatomical brain differences in the structures that manage our fears that somehow explains this phenomenon, for some reason traumatic experiences in most people tend to grow bigger in our memory with time while for a few others is simply a memory that fades with time with little impact on their lives showing that the difficulty of recovery for many is not necessary lack of determination or a character flaw it is simply a more active fear center that makes it very difficult to turn off.
I still admire Brenda and recognize that the support from her family, her community and the openness in which she has managed her situation has to be very important in her quick recovery and needs to be share so others can has more tools and resources in the difficult road toward recovery.
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