Iranian Freedom Fighter

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Iranian Freedom Fighter

Post by AnnaWall »

Loved this episode of the podcast. I really, really found her interesting. Her story kept me on the edge of my seat and I felt like she just skimmed the surface. I hope she'll come back for Part II and fill in some parts she had to leave out because of time. Paul, you are an excellent facilitator and interviewer. Thanks for adding the part at the end about how she listened to it and hated the sound of her voice, etc. She sounds like a strong, competent woman. And her picture proves her to be beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing her with us.
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Re: Iranian Freedom Fighter

Post by Elaine »

Nadereh is an inspiration. I love her humanness and honestly. Listened today at work, and to hear her story just got me through a Monday, sitting in a cubicle in a large corporate america office, a job that saps the entire soul out of me. I am suffering a bit of depression and life just doesn't hold an interest, to hear another's story like this - just gives me a shot of hope and strength in the psychological arm or maybe it's like a shot straight to the heart. thank you. I can so relate to her not caring about materialism, and how her relationship with her son is so important to her and how if he would reject her now she has found him would crush her. I could feel her through the ipod. I could feel that. wow. I can't even write words that mean anything here - but her struggles and the belief that she just gets up each day and keeps moving forward. So amazingly meaningful. I hope somehow she will know how amazing she is. When she shared about laying in bed and listening to podcast after podcast was really something. I know I felt that way when I found these podcasts. I listened to about 4 a day until I got through them all and now I can't wait for each new one each week. How cool that she became a guest. Just so freaking wonderful I say. Peace and love everyone.
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Re: Iranian Freedom Fighter

Post by cyanidebreathmint »

Nadereh's voice was beautiful! I was telling a friend about how sexy it sounds. And that's not just due to the accent. I work with several Iranian women, and Nadereh takes the prize for sexy voice.

Nadereh's story was in another league. I instantly thought of the episode with the woman who fled from the Nazis. Both of those stories include an unimaginable echelon of fucked up! I'm so glad she survived and is thriving the way she is. I know it must be a struggle, but she truly is an inspiration.
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Re: Iranian Freedom Fighter

Post by aseiado »

Definitely this interview is in another league, not only because of her compelling, interesting and full of hope story, but also because of Paul's excellent job conducting the interview. If there was a Best Podcast Oscar award this episode would be the number one contender. I can just imagine Paul accepting the award in front of the members of the Academy as Rep. Paul Martin...
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Re: Iranian Freedom Fighter

Post by Nrv0us »

Totally amazing episode - gripping and moving and just generally everything a podcast should be. I listened while camping with my kids, lying on my air mattress after a long exhausting day, and yet as soon as Nadereh started talking I was hooked. I stayed awake through every twist and turn, and for quite a long time afterwards. A totally humbling dose of perspective, and a welcome break from the 'comedians interviewing comedians' theme that seems to run through most of the podcasts I listen to. Not that there is anything wrong with that, of course, but it is often worth remembering that the stakes for millions of people are far higher than whether or not Carson or Letterman calls you over to the couch. Thanks to Paul for an incredible hosting job, and to the lovely Nadereh for her honesty and strength. Keep those updates coming!
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Re: Iranian Freedom Fighter

Post by PeyoteUgly »

really amazing episode.
also, hearing her swear gave me a newfound appreciation for english profanity.
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Re: Iranian Freedom Fighter

Post by scruff »

I listen to this podcast whilst driving in my car. This particular episode, after about 20 minutes I pulled the car over at a park, got out and listened to it entirety whilst on a park bench. I cried, laughed and cried some more.

Nadereh is amazing. Her statement 'don't brag' hit me like a ton of bricks - and the following conversation broke my heart.
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Re: Iranian Freedom Fighter

Post by busychic »

This woman's story was amazing. Although my life is so different from her's, there was something she said that helped me to cope better in my life.

She talked about loosing her son and finally finding him again. Her mother in law had wrongfully taken her son from her. Instead of just taking her son back, she let go and gave him time to realize what happened,
That is so hard for a mother to do. She did it for him. She is a strong woman and an inspiration.

My ex-husband is attempting to do this with my children (I have 3). He is trying to push me out of their lives. He had succeeded with two of my kids. They hated me and had no respect for me at all. I have learned the hard way to let go. Seems like, by letting go, the kids are finding their way back to me. It's not fair. I lost years out of my kids lives. Right now, I am very tense around my kids. I am always afraid of saying or doing the wrong thing. I cannot explain to them, how they have been manipulated by their father. I need to step back and let them realize they have a mother who loves them with all her heart. Life is never fair. What doesn't break us, makes us stronger.

Thank you for the inspiration
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