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Post by Kristen »

I've been listening for over a year, religiously. There are no episodes I've missed and I've enjoyed most of them. This week's episode really stunned me and rather than write Paul an email, I thought I'd put it out here. I don't know how others experience this podcast, but for me, it's definitely felt like a non-conventional group therapy session in my private space. Even though it's not a two-way interaction, it still helps me understand that others have the same thoughts and feelings that I do and that's been incredibly validating and also soothing. It gives me a perspective I wouldn't otherwise get because I'm self-employed and work 60+ hours a week. There are virtually no support groups in my area, unlike in LA where they are everywhere. This podcast provides a sense of community, in an odd and interesting way. As someone that's been battling Depression my entire life, I am now viewing the world with a new set of lenses after 3 years in therapy. What I know about therapy is that is really involves having an open mind and letting yourself be in a vulnerable state. When listening to this podcast, it's different, but can trigger emotions and feelings that feel somewhat like a therapy session. While I realize you have many disclaimers about it NOT being therapy, it's impossible for the wounded to not experience feelings when listening to the tragedies and triumphs of others. Especially those that have similar afflictions. Disclaimer or no disclaimer, you've got to be sensitive to the power of the human brain.

This week I was abruptly interrupted by a commercial for Hover in the middle of the podcast. I was insanely upset by it... the timing was absolutely insensitive to what this podcast is all about. I can't imagine why someone would make the call to have advertising dropped right in the middle of it, during a meaningful conversation with 2 vulnerable people, but it was definitely in bad taste and I'm disappointed. If I need to worry about hearing more advertising in my ear, I will no longer listen. There's enough out there today, Paul. This was a safe place for my mind to venture to when I needed some fresh perspective each week - it definitely feels like I'm going to have to think twice about that.

The thing is, there are SO many other ways you can bring in money to help support you other than that. Get creative. Personally, I think you need someone to help you with a better strategy than using sponsors on the podcast itself (IMHO). I don't know who makes those decisions, but please reconsider.

Thanks for reading

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Re: Advertising

Post by Cheldoll »

I am definitely not fond of the advertisements' placement smack-dab in the middle of the interview. It's jarring and awkward. I think it would be much better at the beginning or the end of the show. Paul had a survey about potential sponsors last month. I don't know who the final decision came down to, but these advertisements didn't come without the opinions of listeners. I myself have been a regular listener since this show only had three episodes up on iTunes. I'm a monthly donor. All my Amazon purchases go through MIHH's site link. Basically, anything I can do to support this podcast and Paul is incredibly important to me.

I think you underestimate the severity of Paul's financial situation and our entitlement to this incredible service he provides us. It's not fair to take advantage of all the work he does for free and proceed to complain when he tries to take steps to get himself financially stable. This is essentially his full-time job. I can't think of a single podcast I listen to that doesn't have advertising, and I can't understand why Paul should avoid this source of income.

If you're willing to give up this entire service and community because of two minutes (that you can even fast-forward through) out of over ninety... then that is your choice. I'm sticking behind Paul on this one.

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Re: Advertising

Post by Kristen »

While I certainly think it's great you are a monthly donor, I think great advice is far more valuable. It lasts forever unlike most things in this world. Amazing things happen without money and I'm sure Paul appreciates the advice of all his listeners, even ones that aren't able to support him at this time for whatever their reason. There shouldn't be an economic weight on voicing an opinion in this forum, so hopefully I haven't had my expectations too high.

I agree that Paul should make a living doing what he does, the timing of the advertising was inappropriate. There was no indication that I stated Paul should starve in the cold and I find it interesting that you assume he should be as well off as other pod casters. You actually have to work to achieve success no matter what field you are in. Paul will do what he feels is right. Maybe Paul's cost of living is too high? Maybe it's not. Either way, it's my interpretation that if he's not making enough income to sustain his family, he'll need an additional income source like everyone else does. Or, he can get creative with ideas that are not intrusive and alienating to his listeners. Without the listener, there's no advertising value to begin with.

I've personally offered to help him sell his woodworking pieces, which could sell for thousands. His work is absolutely stunning. His newsletter could have 4+ Sponsors. The surveys on the website should have sponsors every week. This forum should have sponsorship. Where is big pharma? They have advertising dollars to spend. I can't think of a better sponsor for this show than Prozac and if I were Paul, I'd be making weekly calls until that happens. Local therapists in LA would pay to have ads on the website. There's ONE T-shirt for sale - it's a $150 billion dollar a year industry. There should be a store full of accessories we can support Paul with. How about pill shaped key chains? What about a bookstore on the site? Heck, what about a book? What about Paul selling songs on iTunes? I love his style...I buy instrumental songs frequently. It's nice background music. I can think of a hundred more. Most can be automated, so once they're in place, it's automatic. It's all about using Paul's strengths to generate the income. He needs a marketing and business manager to help grow this beyond it's current state. It's the only way he's going to thrive. All successful entrepreneurs have people around them that have strengths different than their own that can help grow the business.

To assume I underestimate anything is somewhat strange. My husband and I were in financial ruin 3 years ago. We lost our home, my business, we were severely flooded twice in 4 years, we sold everything to survive, I had to file bankruptcy... then I built a multi-million dollar business in less than 18 months with a $20 dollar bill and my creativity and drive. And for the record, we also live under the poverty line - by choice, because we too are building a business and we are comfortable being frugal, so long as we can grow our business. I am sure that he's not enjoying it, we aren't either, but it's his choice. He could find work in other places, but right now he's enjoying this experience so he's a starving artist.

Millions live this way. In some areas of this country, the poverty line is better than their neighbors and in other countries, it would be considered wealthy. I think he's doing well with the podcast already considering it's still somewhat in infancy.

The bottom line is, Paul is the only person in charge of his destiny. He understands how the universe works. He's quite possibly ignoring the whispers and this is why he hasn't set sail yet. There's always a reason for growth not occurring. Usually it's the fear of letting go. Paul is the one who knows what's best for him and this podcast, so if he feels 100% comfortable with the decisions he's making, that's all he can ask for. He is the Captain of his ship.
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Re: Advertising

Post by Cheldoll »

That follow-up post was significantly more helpful to Paul than your initial post. Saying "If I need to worry about hearing more advertising in my ear, I will no longer listen." comes across as a threat and is essentially an ultimatum that presumes your ear deserves to stay free of advertising. Just saying "get creative" isn't useful advice to someone suffering from depression, and I still don't think it's fair to not support his decision -- made after over two years of advertisement-free podcasts and consulting his listeners -- just because there are two extra minutes on a ninety minute podcast he provides for free. Podcasters aren't rich, and the idea that that's what Paul is after is absurd.

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Re: Advertising

Post by ghughes1980 »

since I can not afford to donate or buy merch listening to an ad seems like a fair deal for me. Keep going Paul PLEASE. The more advertisers the better actually because that will allow more guests and more content on the website. It would be nice if the advertiser was something useful to me personally but since I have no extra money after expenses anyway it seems a moot point. I love this place and would not want to see it go down.
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Re: Advertising

Post by gfyourself »

I find the advertising annoying but I don't really mind as I know Paul needs to make more money doing this.
I can deal with the bit of advertising to keep Paul doing this on a weekly basis. I'm a monthly donor as well!

I like how Marc Maron does his advertising... his first advertiser was and the way he intro's each ad is to take a noisy sip of the coffee and then loudly exclaim POW! I just shit my pants! Hilarious!
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Re: Advertising

Post by fifthsonata »

I can't say I'm a fan of having it smack in the middle of the podcast, but, if this helps Paul sustain his podcast, then so be it.

My only other thought is on the plane with gfyourself - to make it more enjoyable for listeners, perhaps he could accept a sponsor from a company he uses or might enjoy. He could make his go fuck yourself jokes right in the middle!

Beggars can't be chosers when it comes to sponsors, though, and maybe Hover offered him the most.
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Re: Advertising

Post by marathonbar »

Kristen wrote: This forum should have sponsorship. Where is big pharma? They have advertising dollars to spend. I can't think of a better sponsor for this show than Prozac and if I were Paul, I'd be making weekly calls until that happens.
With all due respect, this is the worst thing that could happen to this podcast. Holy shit, if big pharma were to get involved, they'd insinuate themselves into every podcast. Suddenly drugs would be the answer to everything. The whole reason for this podcast (to me, anyway) is that meds are not the only way through this life.
Do I find the mid-interview ads intrusive? Yes, but if it helps Paul out, then I'm all for it. He's creating this podcast entirely on his own. It's not just the interview that we hear. It's the research, the phone calls, the scheduling, the editing ... and he does it all while dealing with his own demons. There have been many, many times when I've brainstormed on how to help him financially. I'm a monthly donor, and I also try to throw in a few extra bucks when I can. Please, let's all try to be as supportive and positive as possible. I know I'd be lost without this podcast.
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Re: Advertising

Post by ColemanSilk »

I can't believe this is even an issue. Paul has to make a living. Kudos to him for getting some sponsorship.

I agree BigPharma may be a conflict of interest, but a domain-naming service? Come on.
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Re: Advertising

Post by CharlotteC »

Kristen, I like some of your ideas, like having a bookstore on the site. But I can't fathom why you'd think Paul's cost of living is anybody's business but his own. The podcast is free, for goodness' sake. I will join in with the majority to say the ads are no big deal. Frankly, I'm impressed he held out for so long.
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