Can't listen anymore--anyone else have this problem?

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Can't listen anymore--anyone else have this problem?

Post by ColemanSilk »

I've been a listener for quite a while. Listened to all the back episodes, donated, spread the word, etc. Love Paul to death. But for some reason lately I can't listen to the shows. After like 5 minutes I have to shut them off. It just makes my depression and anxiety worse lately. I don't blame Paul and I don't think the shows are different, it's just me. I hope this goes away soon because I really miss the show and listening to Paul.
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Re: Can't listen anymore--anyone else have this problem?

Post by ghughes1980 »

I still listen but I am having a harder time relating to guests.
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Re: Can't listen anymore--anyone else have this problem?

Post by Kittieface »

I go through that regularly. That's totally fine and normal!
It's a year I'm listening to the podcast and i take lots of breaks. It's heavy info. You're sitting there for an hour or two listening to how fucked up humans are. And i don't mean the guests.. I mean you hear all the awful things that people have done to them. You listen to all the messed up thought patterns we've all gone through. If you need a break, take a break. You can still browse the forums if you agent listening to the podcast.

Also maybe you're just past the point where you need this type of support. And that would be great! I know with some music I used to listen to that fed my needs i can't listen to anymore because it brings me back to that darker place. Maybe you're just past that step. Maybe you could take a break and come back more as a spectator and be less emotionally invested in the episodes.

No harm in stepping back <3
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Re: Can't listen anymore--anyone else have this problem?

Post by gfyourself »


Occasionally I'll get mildly angry when there are two or three weeks in a row when the podcasts don't really seem to apply to me. Usually these are the ones that relate to specific issues (eg. transgender) or people who have had very difficult upbringings. Then I sometimes get angry when there are people on that had way tougher upbringings than me (eg. episode 148 - Matthew Walden) yet are now doing a hell of a lot better than me!

Of course, all this to say that I'm displacing anger towards myself / depression on to the podcast.

I think this podcast has definitely helped me feel not alone, I'm not sure its motivating me to improve myself. Not an accusation, just an observation.
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Re: Can't listen anymore--anyone else have this problem?

Post by neufena »

I admit I also get this quite often but push myself to listen to gain greater understanding of other people. Through no fault of Paul's the guests are almost always charismatic, interesting, successfully creatively talented and upbeat people who have some kind of past experiences (most often sexual abuse) that can be seen as the root cause of their mental health. This is great for similar people, lets them know that there's other people out there like them. But for people who are the opposite like me with no past experiences to 'cause' my problems and are totally uninteresting and failing at all creative pursuits it makes us feel alone. However I totally see that nobody wants to listen to a podcast where the guest is really boring and has no 'story' to tell.
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Re: Can't listen anymore--anyone else have this problem?

Post by sdjustinr »

Last edited by sdjustinr on January 15th, 2014, 6:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Can't listen anymore--anyone else have this problem?

Post by Savannah »

Just to lend my own support, it's not surprising that it's difficult to listen to, this podcast dveles into really serious, sometimes depressing topics. I often try to listen to them on the weekends, and I try to listen to a humorous podcast afterwards to balance my mood. Sometimes, I've even had to take a break from listening, usually when my own life is pretty heavy, it's when I am most sensitive.
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Re: Can't listen anymore--anyone else have this problem?

Post by Fargin »

The podcast has changed for me, in the sense that I don't use them as medication or therapy so much anymore, but rather that this is something I'm listening to for my enjoyment, instead of to be soothed. Often I can't wait to download and listen, but some weeks, I need a few days to get ready for this level of human connection between Paul and his guest.

Sometimes I just need to watch cat videos on youtube, because I'm can't risk feeling awkward, sticky or sad.
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Re: Can't listen anymore--anyone else have this problem?

Post by marzipan »


I doubt that you're boring. Everyone has a life story.

I used to believe that my mental illnesses were entirely biological. They probably are in part, but they're also rooted in my childhood, which wasn't particularly horrifying or interesting. I don't even remember most of it. But therapy has helped me realise how certain relationships and events could have contributed to my anxiety and depression. Have you ever explored your past with a therapist?

Having said that, you certainly don't need a history of trauma in order to have a mental illness. I hate when people act like mental illness is only acceptable or worthy of compassion when something "caused" it. That common attitude prevented me from seeking treatment for a long time. I was sexually abused a few years ago, which caused me to develop more severe anxiety disorders. Now, because something has "happened" to me, I feel that I finally "deserve" help. The fucked-up thing is that I probably never would've ended up in a sexually abusive relationship if I had seen a therapist when I was younger.

I care about you even if nothing "caused" your mental illness and even if you feel "unsuccessful" by societal measures. Sending you hugs!
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Re: Can't listen anymore--anyone else have this problem?

Post by Jenny Jump »

sometimes i'm a little triggered by episodes. it happens to the best of us. that's why i mix the podcasts with other podcasts, just to cover my four emotional food groups.
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