
Suggest books, magazines, websites, website articles; anything in print including graphic novels or comic strips.
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Joined: March 29th, 2016, 11:24 pm
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Post by Start_Monday »

Hi, I am wondering if anyone voulenteers in any capacity? Although I am aware we couldn't discuss things in great detail I would like to maybe share suggestions, helpful websites, books or personal experience.

I am about to begin befriending a mother and daughter (8). Mum is a single parent who is an alcoholic, she is currently getting help for this. My role as a befriender is to help mum and daughter build a stronger relationship by opening up and feeling more confident doing things together especially activities, trips out etc... I can relate to the emotional neglect that has been raised as an issue but the alcoholism isnt something I have had much personal experience with. Can anyone share any personal experience they might have? Or recommend any books or websites that might be helpful too me. I have had training from the service provider, am studying for a counselling qualification and can relate very much personally to alot of the issues involved but am just anxious I guess. I am NOT presuming I will find 'answers' to anything in a book but I do find this podcast and the listener's experience and openness endlessly helpful and reassuring.

Thanks :-)

(Not sure if I have posted this in the right place so feel free to move)
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