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Post by berzi123 »

Yes, not a medication, but I didn't know where to put it. This seemed closest.

I'm wondering if people have tried it and if they've had success with it?

I have a friend who did it and loved it. I tried it with my therapist in Chicago, but only got to try it once. I felt myself descending into myself when I was doing it. Afterward, I felt a bit lighter and my outlook was better. I'm looking to try it in my new city of Fresno. I found someone who takes my insurance too (Yippee!) I was just curious if anyone has had success or has any advice about the process.

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Post by Nevina »

I'm going to cut-and-paste part of a post I made after a recent episode where Paul talked about EMDR.

I tried one session with my prior therapist a few years ago. She wasn't sure if i was a good candidate because I didn't have one specific incident to focus on, and I have some trouble discerning what I'm feeling (or even thinking) and expressing that. But I had the session, and that night I had the worst nightmare of my entire life. Don't remember much of it, I think it took place in a haunted school, but the terrifying encounter ended with my therapist screaming horrible things at me and scratching my face and breasts off with her bare hands. I woke with several blood-curdling screams and sobbed for hours. I don't say this to dissuade anyone from trying it! In fact, I think it's a good indication that it did actually do SOMETHING, it was able to bring something to the surface. But my therapist though I probably wasn't ready yet to continue with the EMDR.

So...I hope to try it again someday. I can't even remember which incident I was using during this therapy session (if it was something from my childhood, or the the sexual abuse of my ex, etc). I know this isn't very helpful, but it's obvious that it did have SOME impact on me, and I hope that someday I can revisit it because I'm struggling with just CBT.
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Post by Jamous »

After trying tons of meds and other therapy to no avail, I did some research to try to find some ideas to help work through the trauma I've had.
Some history: I have had one major instance of trauma coupled with a life-time of less-severe traumas. I felt I just wasn't getting far in therapy after going for over a year to 1 therapist and a few months to a different therapist. Although I've been really open in talking about the traumas and the feelings associated with them- the fact that I had 'numbed' my emotions for so long made it difficult to break through my depression, etc.

Well, I thought I was in a stable/better place when I decided to ask my therapist about trying EMDR. She was trained in EMDR but suggested I see someone else that specializes in the therapy. (I believe there are different levels of training associated with it) My therapist asked for my reassurance that I was in a place 'emotionally' where I could handle it and had enough emotional support around me. I REALLY thought I was prepared- So I eventually went into my EMDR sessions (with a different therapist) excited & 'ready to have a go at it'.

Apparently I wasn't as ready as I thought, because it stirred up a lot of emotions I wasn't able to deal with. My difficulty came when I had to counter my distorted/negative thinking. I would've LOVED for EMDR to have worked for me, however, not long after trying it out I had a complete mental breakdown that I'm still trying to recover from. I imagine my breakdown would've happened eventually- the EMDR just 'helped' me do it sooner!! :? :?: :lol: Kidding!? I also struggle with OCD, so that could've been a big contributing factor. Idk??

I only ended up going to maybe 3 sessions before figuring out I wasn't ready for it. I think it could be an awesome means of therapy and wish I could've followed through...
My advise is to make sure you're prepared to face any emotions that arise, are stable as far as your environment, and have worked through any distortions you've had in regard to the trauma(s) you experienced. Try to have a support system of friends/family in place. (my environment probably wasn't as stable as it should've been) Research the different levels/variations of training associated with a variety of therapists. There are a few different methods/techniques that each therapist may use and you might prefer one over the other. Lastly, make sure you feel comfortable with the therapist that is treating you with EMDR.

Hope this helps :) I too, don't want to scare anyone away from trying it.
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Post by AmberL824 »

I've tried it twice - once in 2008 and am currently using it. The process takes patience, an open mind, readiness and above all, trust in your therapist. When I tell others I get strange looks and I agree that it sounds too good to be true, but it works for me. I notice that it completely shifts my mood and thought patterns and makes me "think" versus "going with the flow".
In 2008 I sought treatment because I could not emotionally get over a house fire and associated events that occurred when I was a young child. I would randomly smell the "house fire smell" and whenever I heard/saw sirens I would cry. The EMDR helped me disassociate the action and the emotion. Good luck!!! Don't give up!
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Post by B-annie »

I too am currently in EMDR therapy....love it.....wouldn't trade it for the word.....it has given me a life and allowed me to know who I am. I still take meds though.
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