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What do you do when you feel like giving up?

Posted: May 27th, 2012, 4:01 pm
by in_media_res
Where do you find the motivation to go on?

Re: What do you do when you feel like giving up?

Posted: May 27th, 2012, 4:14 pm
by apb7721
I start thinking of other people in the world who have it worse: the oppressed, the enslaved, etc. whenever i think i have it bad, i remind myself that i still have a place to live, a job, family who cares about me, and many freedoms. It's tough to think outside of our little world but it has helped me before.

Re: What do you do when you feel like giving up?

Posted: May 27th, 2012, 10:59 pm
by Rosie
Try to be kind to yourself and try to reach out, you're not alone, big hugs from me, Rosie

Remember you're safe here, x

Re: What do you do when you feel like giving up?

Posted: May 28th, 2012, 5:48 am
by fifthsonata
I posted a question here that is essentially the same question, so it's a prime example of how similar strangers can be.

To be honest, I'm still looking for that answer. I think the only reason I put my feet on the ground in the morning is the hope that there's something else, something better, waiting for me in the future. It won't happen if I give up now. That hope is getting harder to find, but it's still there.

Re: What do you do when you feel like giving up?

Posted: May 28th, 2012, 8:26 pm
by cyanidebreathmint
For me, I think one of the big things that saves me is my curiosity. I try to engage my curiosity. Usually it works. That's one thing that, for some reason, gives me enough hope to get me through a few moments. String a few of those moments together, and you've passed a good amount of time and are coming closer to the end of the tip top of the curve of the impossibly horrid feelings to something more manageable.

Stubbornness is another part of it. I have a bit of the "fuck it, this thing can't win" gene in me. It helps get me through a few moments, and you string those together, etc. etc.

Another thing, for me, is the idea that giving up isn't fair to those in my life. So I have to try with every ounce of strength I have.

I like you, in media res. You're an insightful person, and caring. You're worth fighting for.