Support/therapy group that helped me a lot

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Support/therapy group that helped me a lot

Post by guybrarian »

I started attending meetings of Recovery, Inc. about 10 years ago, right after my divorce sent me into a downward spiral that resulted in a hospital stay.

Basically, it is a support group that teaches behavioral/cognitive therapy as developed by Abraham Low as a way to control the symptoms of depression and anxiety. At first I thought it was a bit kooky, because members use a special vocabulary to talk about their illness and symptoms, but that's part of the method. I was also a bit put off by the "old-fashionedness" of the book Mental Health through will-training ( ... 0915005018), but I stuck with it and it really helped me. I can't recommend it highly enough now.
‎'The lexicographer Wilfred Funk was once invited to say what he thought was the most beautiful word in the English language and nominated “mange.” If asked, I would without hesitation give the word “library.”' -Christopher Hitchens
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