My eating habit (ongoing). Love for reality show.

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My eating habit (ongoing). Love for reality show.

Post by oak »

I've been meaning to, but resisting myself, to post here about my increasingly complex relationship with food.

With the kind indulgence of this forum, I'll post (ie bare my soul) about my journey with food. Baring said soul will take some time, several posts. Soul baring is exhausting.

I also love this show called My 600 Pound Life. My heroes on this show, and yes I said "heroes", inspire me.

tldr: after 40 years of Standard American Diet (boo! boooo!) and getting friendzoned by a beauty* on August 9, 2016, I got advice from the Forks Over Knives-adjacent people I work for, and started listening to these smart and successful people. btw, I would have died of hunger had I followed the Engine 2 guy**, but instantly knew I found my forever home as soon as I read "The Starch Solution" by John McDougall.

At my heaviest, a year ago, at 5-10 I was 225 lbs. Now I am 195, feel great, and my biometric numbers are now all in the green. My blood pressure was described as "perfect". Thanks John McDougall. None of this was true when I was being destroyed by the Standard American Diet.

I'll post here as I can endure the harrowing of honesty.

* And was she a beauty, let me tell you.

**That guy is nearly my age and we grew up about twenty minutes away from each other.
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Re: My eating habit (ongoing). Love for reality show.

Post by bigeekgirl »

Soul baring is exhausting.
Oh my lord, yes.

I am looking forward to your posts. Haven't read the Starch Solution myself, but got my insulin resistance tamed (A1C normal) on whole plant approach. I'm a little back slid but trying, man. Today is day two of attempted return to the plan.
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Re: My eating habit (ongoing). Love for reality show.

Post by oak »

Thank you for your reply, BGG. I hope things are going well for you, and look forward to an update, when you have a minute.

Since first posting here, six weeks ago, I've had 1.5 overwhelming Maslow-chutes (and conspicuously few ladders): moving to a new, unfriendly town, and going broke (again!). I've been meaning to post here, so here goes:

Long story short, I went from Standard American Diet misery (from birth to this time last year) to a starch-based whole foods and (mostly) plant based diet.

I find that the only thing that really satisfies me is starch. Especially lentils.

I work, tangentially, for the Forks Over Knives crowd, so I know that, for all their other faults (I work with them every day), they are very smart and care about getting things right. btw, a year ago I was 225 pounds, acid reflux (or something similar, 2-3 times a week), and every digestive problem you can think of (I took Accutane in the early 90s, so who knows what is going on in there.) Even if I didn't lose weight I'd still gladly do this since I feel so much better. I didn't know I could feel this good at age 41.


[*]Standard American Diet.
[*]Watched "Forks Over Knives".
[*]Got dumped.
[*]Read "Engine 2 Diet", realized I'd die of starvation.
[*]Watched "Extended Interviews: Forks Over Knives" and thought John McDougall was hilarious.
[*]Read his book "Starch Solution" and knew right away I found a forever home.
[*](Started to see results.)
[*]Read "Aztec Diet" and realized that a Meso American-fusion diet is my home. Plenty of beans, quinoa, chia, tomatoes, onions, tortillas. Along with my de rigeuer lentils. Plus soy milk, miso, hummus. So much good, filling food.
[*]Read "HawaiiDiet", found it compelling, and heard much the same as from "Starch Solution" and "Aztec Diet".

I love pico de gallo, but otherwise don't eat many vegetables. I eat fruit every day. Pop is my main processed food, and that is wholly tied in causation/correlation with getting sober. I probably eat about an ounce of meat a day: a little baked chicken breast or ground turkey more for texture than a desire for meat. Once a week I get an order of General's Chicken for the glorious umami and wonderful fried chicken.

I'll post here with more details in the future.

Here is what I know:

A year ago I'd often arrive at work late, obese, unshaven, with an untucked shirt, and untied shoes.

Now I usually arrive early to code, and while I am still 20 pounds overweight, my shirt is tucked in, my shoes are tied, I'm clean shaven, and I am down a pants size. I can walk in with my shoulders back and down, head up, and eyes forward.
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Re: My eating habit (ongoing). Love for reality show.

Post by bigeekgirl »

No time or brainpower for a thoughtful update this morning. Very interested in some of your resources.

Dairy is a big problem for me. When I eat it, things do not go well, but it's so good. Meat is not hard for me to give up.
Right now, I'm working on sticking to vegan even if I eat a little more sugar than is good for me. Like the pint of cashew non-dairy ice cream I ate last night. Sometimes a girl needs chocolate.

Two books I'd recommend:
Eat to Live by Joel Fuhrman - convinced me intellectually that whole plant eating is healthy for humans
Presto!: How I Made Over 100 Pounds Disappear and Other Magical Tales by Penn Jillette - a less scientific and more passionate approach to going plant based
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Re: My eating habit (ongoing). Love for reality show.

Post by Antiqua »

Oak and BGG. Thank you. This topic is interesting. Tell us more.
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Re: My eating habit (ongoing). Love for reality show.

Post by oak »

More substantial update soon!

For the meantime I want to share my happiness, that after years of misery and pain of the standard American diet, I am fully at home with an Aztec diet: beans corn tomatoes tortilla peppers chocolate turkey onions squash and fresh pico de gallo.

May I bare my soul? My dream: to grow my own milpa. Corn/bean/squash.

Happy news: now that I am eating and exercising, women are noticing me. I got the number of someone I’ve liked for awhile (we have plans to get tacos, appropriately enough). I don’t mind saying she is f-i-n-e fine.

Meanwhile, at a recent extended family event (ie with my sister’s in laws), three women reflexively said “You look good”. I don’t know if they meant I look good as in healthy or if they meant looking good as in fine. Either way I’ll take it.

Thank you for letting me share my happiness.
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Re: My eating habit (ongoing). Love for reality show.

Post by bigeekgirl »

Fabulous! I tend towards those flavors we think of as Mexican food when I'm eating healthy, too. I've even been using Taco Bell's fresco options lately. A bean burrito is like a dollar and a better option than what that gets me at a burger joint.

That and sort of Middle East inspired. Chickpeas are my friends. Add garlic and enjoy!

Props for considering growing your own veggies. I tried last year and it did not go well. I'm picking up my supplies to brew kombucha tomorrow. It seems significantly harder to kill than the poor plants I murdered. Fermented food is a research rabbit hole an Asian friend got me started down and it really does make sense.

Evolutionary speaking, healthy = sexy. Obvious effort to care for yourself is definitely sexy.

Can't wait to hear about your taco date!
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Re: My eating habit (ongoing). Love for reality show.

Post by rivergirl »

This is great news, oak! Keep us posted.
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Re: My eating habit (ongoing). Love for reality show.

Post by oak »

Thanks BGG an RG.

I am meeting with the new EAP nutrionist tomorrow.

I’ll let you know how it goes!
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Re: My eating habit (ongoing). Love for reality show.

Post by bigeekgirl »

That's awesome! I love that you are willing to use all the resources available to you to better yourself.
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