New start

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Re: New start

Post by la15andmary »

Hey snoringdog sorry I haven’t posted in awhile. How’s is the exercise going. Sorry you don’t have a work out partner. I tried to make friends at the gym but not yet. It’s hard for me to meet new people because I isolate myself. And I have serious anxiety issues. I fell of the wagon and drank some beers this weekend. I made it 2 weeks without any but 4th of July I drank and this weekend. I also took 2 weeks off from the gym. Going to try and get back on the wagon Monday. How are you doing? Do you have a job? And do you have lots of friends you hang out with. Well hope you are doing well. My email is if you want to start talking in private. Anyway hope you have a good week and hope to hear from you soon.
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Re: New start

Post by snoringdog »

Hello La15!

Exercise is helping a lot, though I've missed a week here and there for various reasons. I had a frozen shoulder starting last December from over-exertion and an old skiing injury. Somewhat painful, and very bothersome.... Added quite a bit to my anxiety and depression.

Started slowly, since that's all I could do - not much range of motion in the arm without pain. Got a cortisone shot into the tendons, and stretched, used light weights, and worked in the pool. Suddenly a few weeks ago, the shoulder got basically back to where it was. (I was worried that it was permanent)

What I'm learning about the gym, and exercise -

1 If you miss some times, so what? Don't dwell on it or try to make it up.
2 Don't overdo it. Not necessary or helpful. But *do* challenge yourself a bit.
3 The hardest part is getting in the car, but i always feels better having gone.
4 Don't get hung up on staying too long. Better to do shorter sessions, but a little strenuous.
5 Music or the podcast can help pass the time

I've always been a bit of a loner and somewhat introverted, so not a lot of friends.
Its a bit of a problem, but I do try to interact with the people around me each day, if nothing else than making eye contact, and a greeting. Have a few friends from work...

Alcohol - hmm. Don't think i'm an alcoholic but i have drunk to excess over the years, but never really to blackout. And I know when I've crossed from enjoyment of a couple of beers, to drinking for other reasons - boredom, depression, anxiety, etc. I think I've learned a balance now. (A little alcohol in social situations can be helpful. We've been drinking it, it seems, for thousands of years.)

Are you trying to stop drinking altogether? Even if so, no need to dwell on a slip-up, but try to understand why it happened, and move on.

Hope you're doing well, and thanks for posting!

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