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PMS should be taken seriously

Posted: May 21st, 2016, 3:31 pm
by Ellieoncé
I am sick of having a breakdown once a month just before I get my period! I get to the point where I feel suicidal and often end up self-harming and generally feel like my life is falling apart.... a week later I get my period and it all makes sense. I wish these mood swings were taken seriously because I feel like when I say it's PMS people picture the typical woman being a bit cranky whereas for a lot of people it can really make their depression, anxiety etc a lot worse. Your hormones can really fuck u up and I wish I didn't feel like killing myself every 3 or so weeks :cry:
Does anyone else have these extreme lows when their period is coming up ?

Re: PMS should be taken seriously

Posted: May 21st, 2016, 5:22 pm
by fifthsonata
That sounds like PMDD. Have you spoken to a doctor about it?

Re: PMS should be taken seriously

Posted: May 25th, 2016, 11:51 pm
by Millibee
I have those same serious lows. In fact, majority of my self harm etc happens in the week leading up to period.

I really wish people were less dismissive of PMS.

Re: PMS should be taken seriously

Posted: June 30th, 2016, 5:20 pm
by Ellieoncé
I think it is PMDD too. However, when I talked to the doctor about it he didn't seem to think I have it as I do not feel only depressed when PMSing (huh?! life is hard man not just when ur PMS-ing lol) he suggested I double up my antidepressants in the week before my PMS starts which I might try! I think hormones can rly fuck you up

Re: PMS should be taken seriously

Posted: July 1st, 2016, 6:44 am
by Imissmysun
Hi Ellie,

You need a new doc,

You know your body - you know your normal and you know your super lows and your pain levels - this guy is not a God and he does not have it all figured out - just because he spent way too much money to get a degree does not mean he knows you better than you know you.

I think you like myself are very senstive to the changes in hormones that naturally take place during our cycles - being on any kind of birth control with hormones in it makes me extra irritable so I opt for non hormaonal versions...

You are a smart person and you know what you are feeling - it is not fake you are not seeking attention you are asking for help - find the right doctor to listen -