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Wellbutrin and diazepam?

Posted: September 22nd, 2016, 7:21 pm
by MarkS
I've been a more-or-less lifelong user of Wellbutrin with fairly acceptable results. It takes the edge off and makes the roller coaster more into a livably bumpy ride. Plus, it's been the only antidepressant that has never hit me with side-effects. That, alone, is a huge plus. That said, while I was maintaining, I was still under the dark veil of daily depression.

Last week, owing to a medical need entirely unrelated to my depression, my PCP wrote me a temporary script for diazepam (aka, good old valium) Oddly, I have never in my life taken valium, and I was utterly unprepared for what happened next. While it seems to be doing a good job at its intended use, the psychological effect has been miraculous. It's as if a veil has been lifted. I simply and clear. My therapist noticed right away something was different at our session this week. My posture was completely, positive, unguarded. My wife is amazed at how different I am now. In just a short week, we're closer and communicating more than we have in years. I dare say I'm actually...happy?

Now, don't get me wrong. I've done quite a lot of drug experimentation over my long life, so i can easily recognize the difference between a druggy "happy" and what has been going on this week.

But, of course, there are questions. Has anyone here utilized this combination over an extended period of time? From what I can determine, this is not a common drug combo, and i'm unclear what long-term use of diazepam will do to me. Of course, long-term use of Wellbutrin isn't exactly harmless either, so, I guess it's a game of trade-offs.

Anyway, I'd love to hear from anyone who might have incorporated diazepam into their antidepressant regimine, successfully or not.
