Money Anxiety

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Re: Money Anxiety

Post by eshkol »

I get that, but perhaps in a different way. Humans are mostly apt at counting, quantifying and categorising stuff, but when it comes to having to manage finances, it’s overwhelming the way your mind makes you compare with other people and perhaps drive you to feel like you’re doing something wrong. Grown-up stuff. Stuff that other people can do, it takes something out of you. I’ve long had this feeling that I missed this important briefing which everybody else attended, where they told how to spend money and not do crazy shit with it. So it’s a sort of anxiety. What I do about is try to be aware of what I spend my money on and have a bit of a mental conversation with myself, try to slow down and take it easy. Think it through.

I’m really not sure if this is analogous to your situation, though. Whereas you seem to have generalised fear of handling money, my problem oftentimes is too much spending. And a crippling anxiety is not common-place with me, until I have a number of reasons to worry about something and they add up... then who knows what sets off the descent to depression, money is one of those things.

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Re: Money Anxiety

Post by Imissmysun »

I have almost an over apathy about money - I have been in the hole so much and been living paycheck to paycheck no matter how much money I make that it seems like this is just part of my life and its inevitable - I need to change this mindset and become more anxious about money - but honestly I think my codependence makes me want to spend the money so that people in my life will like me - then I am doing things for them and I have purpose - however then my bank account is empty and bills aren't getting paid and my fiance gets upset and angry at me - so honestly this set of thoughts aren't helping me at all - oh sh*t I have to talk to my therapist tonight about this - ugh now I feel judgement dread - not that my therapist judges me - but I judge me - bad human!
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Re: Money Anxiety

Post by ladysquid »

Yessss. I can relate.

Growing up my parents were middle class but since the grew up poor they constantly harped about money.

Now I'm a compulsive shopper. I've never done it to the point of extreme debt but my mom has bailed me out a few times which came with a lot of shaming and guilt.

I've tried to stick to budgets but realistically I'm not that bad off, it just feels like I'm always at the edge of financial ruin. I don't have savings but I always pay my bills on time and my credit is fine. I go through periods of obsessive tracking of spending to total binging on expensive clothes and food. I don't think I have ever felt calm about my finances, even when I have a bill auto-scheduled to be paid I get anxious about it like "I should just pay it now! What if I spend too much!"

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Re: Money Anxiety

Post by alex8525 »

yes, i am anxious about it all the time, especially since i'm on chronic meds and worry about keeping my job (which doesn't pay very much). meds are very expensive, but i think they are actually helping me so I need them, but at the same time, i have very little left over for other essential things. i am anxious all the time about the rest of my life because i can't save any money for emergencies. feel like things are kinda bleak all the time even though day to day, i'm doing ok
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