Join Me! A Social Anxiety Support Group in NYC

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Join Me! A Social Anxiety Support Group in NYC

Post by ladysquid »

Hey all!

Not sure what category is the best for this...

Anyway, I was referred to this psychologist-run social anxiety group by my personal psychologist and just went to the orientation meeting yesterday.

While I cancelled the first meetup due to (what else) social anxiety I forced myself to go to this one and I'm glad I did. Dr. Groveman did most of the talking for this intro-session but explained that she is trying to gather up enough people to make this a regular support group. I'm not sure if/when she will be hosting another intro meeting but I figured I would share here to help anyone that may need it. Dr. Groveman is very easygoing and I would recommend reaching out to her either via the meetup page or through her email/phone if you're interested. I can also contact her if you'd like my referral, feel free to private message me if you're more comfortable that way!

What was kind of "awfulsome" was the number of people that RSVP'd vs the three people that actually made it out to the group. Like herding feral cats or something...Trying to get a group of socially anxious people out into the world is a heavy task but if I can do it, you can too! :clap: I was horribly nervous before and even during the first session but now I'm feeling positive about it. I know how much Paul champions the value of support groups and I would encourage any fellow NYC based happy hour fans to join me!

I"ve attempted to join other social anxiety meetups in the past but never made it out. I think the structured environment of this group put me more at ease knowing someone with experience would be leading the conversation. Cost is $15 and insurance is not required.

Check it out! ... ty-Meetup/
E is for Elephant
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Re: Join Me! A Social Anxiety Support Group in NYC

Post by E is for Elephant »

Thanks! I'm going to check this out. Well, I hope I will anyway.
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