Awake and Anxious

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Awake and Anxious

Post by Batmandreams »


This is my first time posting to anything. It's mildly amusing that I feel nervous about posting to a supportive forum on anxiety.

Sometimes I can admit I have an actual diagnosed anxiety disorder, General Anxiety Disorder to be precise. But other times I convince myself I'm just a stupid baby making everything up that needs to get over it.

Assuming for now that it's the former and not the latter the last few weeks I manage to be relatively fine in the morning but then increasingly panic throughout the day until about 4:30pm when it feels like my heart has been punched out of my chest and a hummingbird has been trapped in its place. On the flip side I'm utterly exhausted. Does anyone have any recommendations for something to stimulate me awake without exacerbating the anxiety? I'm pretty sure I just used that word correctly in a sentence.

I know in the grand scheme of things I need a healthy diet, exercise, and regular sleep, all of which I do strive to maintain, but some times I still need that something extra to get me through a long work day. Naturally, in my current state, I fear caffeine.

Thank you to everyone!
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Re: Awake and Anxious

Post by oak »

Gosh since I also struggle with anxiety and fear (with a side of regret) I cant offer advice, but I can assure you that you are not alone. Thanks for reaching out.
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Re: Awake and Anxious

Post by kitkat »

It took me a long time to admit to myself or others that I have a problem, but once you've done it, you're on the right track!

As for getting energy without anxiety, that is a tough thing. I stayed away from caffeine and pop for when my anxiety was at its worse, so I can understand that. You don't want to give yourself added fuel, I think. On the other hand, you want the energy to actually do things during the day.

I drank a lot of orange juice, since it's what people do when they have low blood sugar, and it made me feel like I wouldn't pass out or get sick, without giving me added anxious energy. I carried orange juice boxes around with me like a crazy lady, but it helped. Energy exertion is also super helpful, and it sounds like you're excersizing already, so that's good. I also try listening to happy music to pick me up or funny podcasts. Another thing that can wake you up, oddly, is a nice meditation session. I downloaded a bunch of these "energy boost" and "relaxation" apps where this guy is talking and tells you to stretch and relax and all these things, and at the end you feel refreshed and awake, but also calm. If my brain is really unfocused when I need to work, I try to take 15 minutes to do those stretches. You pretty much just go through your body from your toes to your fingers and up to your ears and eyebrows and stretch everything one by one, and let all the tension out. If you can spare the time, it's pretty helpful.

Oh, and I find vitamins are helpful, also. They make me feel awake and healthy and ease the worries that I will get sick or be unable to do something.

Another thing that may or may not be helpful is scary movies from time to time. I don't know about your tastes, but I find watching some really scary movies is a safe way to get some anxiety out and then leave it when you turn the dvd off. It's kind of refreshing. It probably doesn't work for everyone, but I just thought I'd mention it.

I don't know if any of this helps, and I know it can be so frustrating being full of anxiety and then also completely drained of energy, so I hope you find something that works for you.
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Re: Awake and Anxious

Post by ididthatonce »

Yeah, one of the joys (note: not joyful) of mental illness is that your brain is simultaneously freaking the fuck out and convincing you that you don't have a problem, you're just being a big pussy.

I've found that learning about the mechanics of my mental illness helps me feel less like a whiny bitch and more like a person who lives with a disease. For instance, anxiety (more or less) happens when your brain can't separate mortal danger from everyday stresses, so it goes into fight or flight mode. Your body is doing all the right things, it's just that you're unable to distinguish what is a life-threatening situation. When I frame it like that, anxiety feels more like an autoimmune disorder and less like something I just do. It also makes it easier to understand for my friends and family who don't have it. :)
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