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Post by algernon »

I wonder if I'm a pawn of alarmists or more sensible than I sometimes think.

There are some very informed individuals including nuclear industry professionals that are calling the March 11, 2011 earthquake, tsunami and nuke plant triple play disaster in Fukushima Japan the beginning of the end of life on the planet as we know it.

Without the crisis summary that I could provide, maybe a few people would care to run a search and read a few stunning zingers that would illuminate the story as it stands today......because it's not going away.

A dishonest and inept utility company plus a prideful and misleading Japanese government (oh look, we got the 2020 Olympics coming to Tokyo!) plus the usual American priority of ultra beauty pursuits and caffone consumption as the cross ocean denialist leaves me to think that all those movies are true......when the asteroid is bulls-eye hurling towards Arizona....don't tell the fucking people!

Now I'm not having any great anxiety over this, but it troubles me in terms of transparency yanked and how I feel about the leadership that runs the show and most of all for the effort of justice that fair people need to see done.

Maybe it IS best to lead the parade of distraction and denial because what can be done otherwise when the shit and the fan its about to hit is planetary in scale.......if it's really as bad as many have said. (and I think it mostly is)

I consider and reject any guilt that raising this topic might generate within me. I wish to alarm no one who is blissfully oblivious to the almost absurd potential that if a dire situation goes ballistic in Fukushima it will really fuck us all, so if you are alarmed by this news please feel free to label me as a perverse chicken little, I'm fine with that. Otherwise, maybe for some or many, the news will have a tonic-like beneficial effect on their existing mental distress raising the peace of mind that acceptance will provide in that you are truly not alone (and you're not!) in this veiled nuclear melodrama and that all things are unexceptionally impermanent.

"Is that all there is?" Yes, Peggy.
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