Some loves

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Some loves

Post by eshkol »

I love riding the bicycle through a forest.
I love a heartfelt, non-forced, compassionate hug.
I love snow in the city before it turns grey and muddy.
I love the love and trust of my pet rabbit towards me.
I love when I screw up a joke or mention something I thought was funny only to me and my best friend absolutely gets it.
"You can't reason yourself back into cheerfulness any more than you can reason yourself into an extra six inches in height."
- Stephen Fry
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Re: Some loves

Post by Churble »

eshkol wrote:I love when I screw up a joke or mention something I thought was funny only to me and my best friend absolutely gets it.
This is the best.

I feel like I should add to my list that I love when other people's love lists remind me of things I love.
If there is one thing the history of evolution has taught us it's that life will not be contained. Life breaks free, it expands to new territories and crashes through barriers, painfully, maybe even dangerously, but, well, there it is. Life finds a way.
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