Lovely Loves ~SkareKrow~

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Joined: January 25th, 2014, 12:39 am

Lovely Loves ~SkareKrow~

Post by SkareKrow »

When I moved from Wisconsin to Seattle I fell in love with the view Of the mountains and the Sound Instantly

The Smell of A summer rain

The ability to get around a city without an automobile, it is just more of an adventure

Giving a hug to a perfect stranger

Witnessing a double rainbow

Purposely averting my focus away from the Hot girl in the room to converse with her un-attractive friend.

When I laugh so fucking hard I tear up. If it keeps going my diaphragm gets crazy and I start hiccupping at the same time which triggers me to almost vomit. Then my girlfriend catches on to this and she starts making fun of me. Then we both end up on the floor laughing our asses off.

When it is 50 below in Wisconsin during an artic blast and my truck actually starts

I love it when my dogs wake up in the morning wagging they're little tails and licking my nose

Love and Laughter,
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