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Posted: July 11th, 2022, 3:46 pm
by snoringdog
So, maybe not so overwhelming (but depends on my state of mind).

Today I turned 65.

Sheeit! What the hell?!

Where did the time go?

Do I feel "65"? (it's just a number, right?)

Just saw "Elvis" - He died at 42.
How old was Lincoln when he was assassinated?
What about Caesar? The ancients?

The lowly schmucks building the pyramids in Egypt or the Americas?
Or in the diamond mines in Africa, or the open pit gold mines in South America?

Do I feel old?

Time is so slippery. I feel 45 ~ 50 maybe, but I can easily remember the last 15 ~20 if I think through them.
Good times, bad times. Slowly living thru the days.....

One thing that gets to me is that my father got his cancer diagnosis at 65, and only lived till 70.
Do I have 5 years?

Do I have tomorrow??

I've been on the edge of my seat, as it were, most of my adult life.
Watching the shitshow around me, and wondering when the ax will fall.

Not a rich person, and certainly not notable.
Feel "guilty" that nothing major has befallen me yet.
Is that fukked up, or what?

But the sun was shining today, and I got some birthday greetings on my phone.
So maybe it's not as bad as I can imagine.

One day at a time....

Re: Birthdays

Posted: July 11th, 2022, 5:33 pm
by oak

Happy birthday. And it is a big birthday indeed.

While your fine questions defy easy answers, I am pleased to hear you are taking serious- and lightly, at the same time- these important questions.

No less an authority than Erikson would approve of this frank introspection.

Also, Elvis was an old 42.

They say Norma Desmond was 50 when she made “Sunset Boulevard”. Nowadays Sophia Veranga and Jennifer Garner are that same age.

65, years ago was ancient. 40 was “old”. Like a lot of things, this is changing for the better, even in our lifetimes.

Re: Birthdays

Posted: July 11th, 2022, 10:28 pm
by Mental Fairy
SD you wonderful birthday boy!
Oh I’m happy you have made it this far. You bring a knowing to me and help in so many ways.

I don’t think anyone feels their age. Just grateful your still here.

Please know we will be here tomorrow and the day after and so on.

If the glass feels half full then get a smaller glass by dear.

From My family to yours, Happy Birthday from us.

I feel I have to do something to honour you and your help so this weekend I will get a bird feeder for our garden and send you a pic!

Re: Birthdays

Posted: July 12th, 2022, 4:56 pm
by manuel_moe_g
snoringdog wrote: July 11th, 2022, 3:46 pm But the sun was shining today, and I got some birthday greetings on my phone.
So maybe it's not as bad as I can imagine.

One day at a time....
Happy Birthday, SnoringDog! :D

Re: Birthdays

Posted: July 12th, 2022, 6:05 pm
by snoringdog
Hello Friends

Thank you for your warm and wonderful replies!

The good news today is.... that it's my "UnBirthday"!

And I have 364 of them to celebrate!

:occasion-birthdaymulticolor: (NOT! :naughty: )

(Posting this last thing made me laugh out loud.... Is that so very wrong?... :lol: )

Wishing the best for all of you.


Re: Birthdays

Posted: July 13th, 2022, 4:47 pm
by Mental Fairy
Going to get my SD bird feeder tomorrow!!! Watch this post.

Re: Birthdays

Posted: July 15th, 2022, 3:01 pm
by snoringdog
Looking forward to whom you'll attract!
Give them my warm greetings.

Not a haiku exactly, but this came to me while in a depressive mood.
(Had many Zebra Finches long time ago)


Have you ever held a bird in your hand?

So Fragile
So Beautiful

So Determined to Live...