My Boss is a dick

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Posts: 59
Joined: April 25th, 2013, 1:57 am

Re: My Boss is a dick

Post by Jose »

Today, I flaked out at my job and left early without telling anyone. I knew if I asked, they wouldn't let me go so I just took the opportunity since I couldn't stand being there any longer. Well, I got caught. My boss called me on the phone asking where I was and I said I was still there even though my coworker was looking and couldn't find me. I put my phone on silent so his calls wouldn't be eating away at me and I could have a chance to process this decision. I've been caught in a lie, they're very mad at me. This isn't something they'll simply 'brush off' and laugh away. It's a serious matter, whether you can trust someone to do the work you ask in an allotted time frame. This might be the third or fourth time we've had this kind of misunderstanding where I wasn't there when they expected me to be. I got really angry then, too, because it was mostly due to a lack of communication on my boss's part. He's been really generous about letting those few instances slide, but this is a situation where I deliberately chose to do the wrong thing, and there's simply no excuse for that. I'm not going to pander and try to think of the 'BEST EXCUSE IN THE WORLD!' like my relative died or something. It's too late, I've been avoiding him too long. To tell the truth, it seems like I've been ramping up to this decision over the past year, no one imagines themselves as a janitor for their life's work. It's a job that weighs heavy on my self esteem. Aside from the fact that I'm just cleaning up messes all day, I have to answer to people who I have no respect for at all. I'm really struggling with this decision here and don't have anyone else to tell who it would totally freak out, so i'm consoling in you strangers :P
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