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Post by anothercrazycomic »

I'm starting to feel like a lot of my compulsive activities (standup comedy, lying, sex) are not addictions in themselves so much as symptoms of a more overarching addiction to attention. Is that even a thing?

It's like I started my life as the "golden child" to my parents and then all of a sudden they started seeing me as an adult and switched gears to me having to earn the adulation that they just gave automatically. It might be that I was achieving before, but being a kid is easier. It might be that my threshold (the addiction term is "tolerance" but that doesn't seem to fit here) for positive attention was somehow raised and now I can't get enough.

I'm sure I'm not the only person who feels this way*.

*though it would be PRETTY COOL if I was.
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Re: Attention

Post by flyinginside »

That makes sense to me.

I recently had to acknowledge my own attention seeking tendencies I also use humor and also realized I'd make jokes in conversations as a way to control & make myself more comfortable.

Whatever it is, it's awesome to be able to recognize, so you/we/etc. can take in the info & move forward.
Your weirdness will make you stronger. Your dark side will keep you whole. Your vulnerability will connect you to the rest of our suffering world. Your creativity will set you free. There’s nothing wrong with you.
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