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Hemorrhoids- what to say at work? (called in sick)

Posted: May 5th, 2014, 7:55 pm
by duck1
Hi Guys,

My doctor found a 1.5 cm Hemorrhoid, it doesn't hurt and not really uncomfortable.

Still, my doctor gave me a week of to take care of my but :D (baths, cream, etc.).

i'm so clueless, what do I say at work? they may think I was very sick... what do I do if they ask what was wrong with me?

Re: Hemorrhoids- what to say at work? (called in sick)

Posted: May 6th, 2014, 4:28 am
by brave-girl-living
Honestly, if it was me? I would be truthful! I mean, it is kind of a human normal thing that nearly everyone has dealt with at one time or another. I had a friend in collage that had bad ones and it was a well known fact by all his friends, we always made light of the fact that he had to take a bath after every time he took a shit. :P He always just joined in and owned the situation as his own. Normal and inconvenient. I think that doing things like that, humanizing ourselves to others, is part of self-acceptance. And that is the key to this whole journey anyway :) Best of luck!