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Hello, world.

Posted: December 2nd, 2016, 2:33 pm
by piscesxloner
Hi everyone,

I've been meaning to make an account on here for several months. I've been listening to the Mental Illness Happy Hour for a while now; it was actually the first podcast I ever subbed to. The podcast has helped me so much on my journey to recovery, which started about 2 years ago.
My name is Ashley. I'm 23 years old. I was diagnosed with PTSD over a year ago, but before that I always knew I was depressed. Listening to interviews from Paul's podcast has really helped me when I'm at work. I work a full time job, and started attending community college last year. When I was working, I had a tendency to end up in a bathroom stall, balling my eyes out, over the stupidest things. School also stresses me out for weeks at a time, but I feel like it is a necessary evil to move beyond my shitty desk job I'm currently at.

I'm not really sure what I expect to achieve/learn in this forum. It just seems that maybe I could feel welcome here. I've tried out other depression-based online forums and often times found myself feeling completely ignored & not getting anything from it. Perhaps I was not ready to put myself out there then; maybe I'm still not ready.

Recovery to me is something that I need to always have an awareness of. I have definitely come a long way from where I once was, but my whole life will be a work-in-progress, and I'm still trying to figure out what I'm on this Earth for.

I would like to be able to encourage others to keep improving themselves, or their situation. I have never been one to help myself, but often get mad when I feel ignored. This is what I'm currently working on; I have no self-worth, so why should anyone view me as "worthy?" I want to stop others from feeling this level of self-hatred.

Looking forward to speaking with others, and relating to them. I'm also hoping I don't overstep any boundaries.

Thanks for reading,

Re: Hello, world.

Posted: December 2nd, 2016, 5:12 pm
by manuel_moe_g
Hello piscesxloner, welcome to our little forum! It is so wonderful to see somebody just dive in and provide support to other newbies! :D

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All the best to you, cheers!

Re: Hello, world.

Posted: December 2nd, 2016, 7:16 pm
by brownblob
Welcome to the forum.I'm glad you found the podcast and that it has been helpful. I can relate to your self hatred. It sounds like you're pretty self aware and moving towards healing.

Re: Hello, world.

Posted: December 4th, 2016, 6:07 am
by NeonFirefly
Welcome! I just joined too. I hope that you will find a safe space here and that you won't feel ignored. :]