Actions or Behaviors that will cause an immediate dislike...

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Actions or Behaviors that will cause an immediate dislike...

Post by BreakingTraining77 »

I wanted to toss this out there, but there are certain everyday things that people do that makes it so the only way I'd every want to talk to them is if I was on fire and they were holding a bucket of water. These are really silly things to most, but I'd like to know if the following bothers anyone else:

Snapping gum
Wearing Sunglasses inside
Calling me "hun" or "honey"
Poor Grammar ("I ain't got no..."
Anyone who says "No Worries."

I figured this would be the place to ask and really want some feedback.

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Re: Actions or Behaviors that will cause an immediate dislik

Post by Hedgie »

I so need to vent on this today:

People who sit at the tables in bookstore cafes or coffee shops but DON'T BUY ANYTHING.
People who sit at the tables in bookstore cafes or coffee shops, buy something, but stay for eight hours after they finished what they bought.
College students who come into my favorite S-bux, push six tables together, start a study group, and stay because one person in the group bought a small coffee.
College students who block the g-ddamn aisles in the grocery store because they've never shopped on their own before and apparently need a committee to decided if they want a gallon of skim milk or a half-gallon of skim milk. (Sorry, I live in a town near a huge college. Fall semester always makes me grouchy AF).
Women who order ridiculously complicated coffee drinks: "I'd like a half-caf, two pump mocha, one pump sugar-free caramel, no foam, soy milk, upside down extra skinny macchiato with two packets of Splenda." (I feel sort of bad about this since I'm a feminist, but annoying behavior is annoying behavior.)
The up-inflection and vocal fry. My soul dies a little when I hear this.
The phrase "What you need to do is..."
Playing the devil's advocate no matter what. ("Kicking puppies is bad." "Well... there might be situations that call for puppy-kicking....")
Mom always said I was grumpy.
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