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by Beany Boo
November 18th, 2023, 2:39 am
Forum: Literature/Websites
Topic: Mindfulness
Replies: 888
Views: 285082

Re: Mindfulness

Today went well. I didn’t think nearly as much today. I showed my Pilates teacher how to do a Sumo stomp. I felt serious and glum, but I felt no restriction on feeling that way, regardless of who was present. I prioritized rest. I limited and simplified any tasks I had to do. I guess I was stubbornl...
by Beany Boo
November 18th, 2023, 2:26 am
Forum: Literature/Websites
Topic: Mindfulness
Replies: 888
Views: 285082

Re: Mindfulness

Thanks MM :wave:

Very, very slowly is the right approach.

It’s always been the right approach.

Not least of all because, it’s your approach.

It’s also the right approach when you’re risking a lot.

by Beany Boo
November 17th, 2023, 12:50 am
Forum: Literature/Websites
Topic: Mindfulness
Replies: 888
Views: 285082

Re: Mindfulness

Today went well.

It felt very regulated; which may not be ‘very’ in my case, just more than my usual.

I felt less persecuted and resentful. I also sensed that my body was less guarded; I was holding it with less tension.

It’s midafternoon and I feel that today was a quiet success.

by Beany Boo
November 17th, 2023, 12:40 am
Forum: Literature/Websites
Topic: Mindfulness
Replies: 888
Views: 285082

Re: Mindfulness

Thanks MF :wave:
by Beany Boo
November 16th, 2023, 2:42 pm
Forum: Literature/Websites
Topic: Mindfulness
Replies: 888
Views: 285082

Re: Mindfulness

Good sleep. I spent the morning focusing on positive self affirmations. I figure it was important to feel good in the moment rather than worry unnecessarily about the past and future. Sort of blessing the space and task I was in, rather than surrender to distraction. Not all of it was particularly r...
by Beany Boo
November 15th, 2023, 2:25 pm
Forum: Literature/Websites
Topic: Mindfulness
Replies: 888
Views: 285082

Re: Mindfulness

Woke up having left everything on. I feel rested. I don’t have to be special today, or pretend to be nothing. I guess that means focusing less on what shows, on what ‘counts’. That feels kind of daunting. It might shift the focus though and allow me to see more clearly what I want today. Breathing w...
by Beany Boo
November 14th, 2023, 11:52 pm
Forum: Literature/Websites
Topic: Mindfulness
Replies: 888
Views: 285082

Re: Mindfulness

Today went well. Yesterday’s overwhelm was resolved. It took a level of communication and some timing that was new to me. But I got it done. It was the most unpleasant morning for quite a while, in terms of having to reluctantly trust others. But I seemed to be giving out cues that people could resp...
by Beany Boo
November 14th, 2023, 12:31 pm
Forum: Literature/Websites
Topic: Mindfulness
Replies: 888
Views: 285082

Re: Mindfulness

Thanks MM :wave:

My new affirmation will be something like:

I can’t pretend to be special or nothing (to you) anymore

by Beany Boo
November 14th, 2023, 2:56 am
Forum: Literature/Websites
Topic: Mindfulness
Replies: 888
Views: 285082

Re: Mindfulness

Today was a bit overwhelming. Work was very unsafe, though I couldn’t put it down to one thing. I kept trying to gaslight people into feeling like everything was alright. Then I stopped instinctively. I would probably end up burning out very shortly if I’d kept going. My neediness flared for a few h...
by Beany Boo
November 13th, 2023, 2:18 pm
Forum: Literature/Websites
Topic: Mindfulness
Replies: 888
Views: 285082

Re: Mindfulness

Woke up well with enough sleep. I feel psychically exposed today. Sadly, that’s normal. I also feel like I have a fraction of an advantage. That’s new; for this early in the morning. The experience of satisfaction in the afternoon seems to have carried over to be an expectation the next day. I might...

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