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Hello :)

Post by KeithB »

Well, here goes. :)

First, I want to say that I absolutely adore this podcast. I even might have a slight crush on Paul Gilmartin--I tend to get those on people that do good things, and are so open and honest about life and themselves. It's so refreshing to have celebrities come on and talk about the kinds of things that I struggle with, and to know that I'm not alone, and to know that life can still be worth living even when you struggle with the crap. I've only been listening for a couple months now, but will probably go back and listen to some older episodes at some point.

Anyway, so my mental issues are as follows:

1. Social Anxiety--I don't want to minimize this, nor do I want to make it seem worse than it is. The truth is, I'm able to function and appear normal to the outside world. I'm able to hold a job, and somehow manage to get through life. But, every day I am filled with anxiety with having to interact with other people. I have varying degrees of fear, anxiety and nervousness on a daily basis because you can't get through a workday without having to interact with people. I've been at my job for 15 years and have found some degree of comfort because of the familiarity of the surroundings and seeing the same people every day. But, it takes me such a long time to ever feel comfortable with other people. I went probably 3 years at this job without talking to anyone unless I had too. I avoid the phone at all costs, and try very hard to do work related interaction via email only. 95% of my weekends are spent not leaving my apartment because I don't really have any friends. Sure, I have acquaintances, and I seem to be able to interact really well with people online. But, I'm still extraordinarily lonely, but can never bring myself to actually meet new people or attend social functions because I'm too damn scared. I'm constantly embarrassed of myself for no reason whatsoever, and I expect people are judging me and thinking I'm ugly, or thinking I'm a freak show because of my social awkwardness. I can survive and I can live, but it's not really that much of a life because I have no close, local friends that I hang out with regularly. I certainly don't have any romantic relationships, and while on my happier days I still find myself hoping that one day I will, I honestly don't think I ever will. Every day is a struggle because every day I am filled with anxiety from social interaction.

2. Depression--I'm pretty much sad all the time. I will have occasional happy experiences or days. But, generally, I live in a state of funk. I suspect a lot of it has to do with the aforementioned social anxiety and loneliness. But, throw in a smidgin of general dissatisfaction with life and a family history of depression, and I would probably be someone who was bound to get depressive episodes without the social anxiety anyway. But, I really do believe that the social anxiety is probably the biggest motivator of the depression.

3. Low self esteem and feeling ugly.

I'm sure there's more, but I'm glad to have found this podcast and the community. I'm gay, but I don't seem to have any problems with that. :D On the positive (?) side, I'm a full fledged sci fi geek, gamer, and aspiring writer. So, I still have plenty of things I enjoy doing in life. But, my life is clearly not fulfilling to me. I long for something better, but my fears and anxiety keep me from every achieving anything meaningful. I've been on medication and therapy in the past, with mixed results. I don't think I got much better or worse. Though, sometimes I found it nice to at least have someone to talk to once a week. I'm seriously considering trying to get back into it this year. I think I'd like to try something more proactive though, as my talk therapy seemed like just a bunch of me complaining, and never doing. I'd be interested in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy that is actually geared towards trying to actively change my life, maybe even group therapy. But, I'd be afraid I'd only be going to group therapy to find friends that are like me instead of actually trying to make things better.

I guess that's it for now. Thanks for reading.
Posts: 16
Joined: January 9th, 2013, 7:50 pm

Re: Hello :)

Post by HeathMcF »

I think you've found a great place to come and get support as well as help others!

I didn't see anything about meds... are you taking anything to help you out?

Despite the issues that you mention, you do seem to have a lot of good things to say, and a lot of hobbies. :)

Good luck on your journey of healing!
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Joined: January 9th, 2013, 5:48 pm
Location: Boston

Re: Hello :)

Post by KeithB »

Thanks, HeathMcF. :)

Well, I am not currently taking any meds. I have been on various meds in the past, including Wellbutrin, Celexa, Prozac, Effexor, and a few others I'm probably forgetting. My history with meds generally goes like this: I start one up and feel better for about 3 months, then it usually stops working, so I try another. The thing is, I haven't quite figured out whether the meds help, or I just think they are helping because I want them to help and try to be optimistic, sort of like a placebo effect. Then, when the initial optimism wears off, so does the better feeling. So, is it the drugs or is it the desire and initial optimism that makes me feel better? (And if it's just the initial optimism then why can't I apply that to my life in general? lol) I don't know, but it never seems to last all that long.

I haven't given up on the idea of trying others if/when I go back into therapy, but I admit that I'm a bit jaded because I'm not sure whether or not I believe they actually work.
Posts: 16
Joined: January 9th, 2013, 7:50 pm

Re: Hello :)

Post by HeathMcF »

Well Keith, I think that you definitely have a legitimate issue with meds. My recommendation would be to find one that gives you the least side effect and stick with it. Don't start with the "intro" dose - go a little more, then adjust as needed. For me, it's been an ongoing battle as to what will work. I honestly believe that it's not a placebo effect, but that could be me just being a believer in the meds. Your brain can become accustomed to the meds, so altering your dose is not uncommon.

I can't live without mine - I'm a lifer. LOL I tried. I had all of my coping skills in order. Running, friend support, punching bag... no luck. For me it's anger and anxiety, what a combo, eh? Try explaining that to an 11 year old. :lol:

So, there's options, there's lots of things. The fact that you WANT to find peace and you WANT to improve your situation Is GREAT!!

I am so happy I started to post on here. It's the only place I feel okay to really be me -- crazy, over emotional and all.

What's your support system like? Do you have someone to share all of this with or are you just doing in it on your own? I can't scroll down to check and I don't remember.

Keep posting. You'll find that typing it out helps too. I'm not sure I'm a fan of therapy just yet....
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