Bipolar/PTSD Safari Adventure Tour

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Bipolar/PTSD Safari Adventure Tour

Post by Colin »

Bipolar and PTSD. New diagnoses but now into the fourth decade of this shit. Fun! The podcasts have helped me get a little more insight though I do wonder if it's even possible to change at this stage. Glad you folks are here though and happy to have company on this trip!

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Re: Bipolar/PTSD Safari Adventure Tour

Post by manuel_moe_g »

Hello Colin! Yeah, misdiagnoses and "long-time-coming" diagnoses are a bummer. Only recently am I coming to grips with how anxiety and depression work collectively in my mind - for I long time I thought I was bi-polar and focused a "not-quite-effective" treatment around that.

Please take care, looking forward to reading your written contributions to the threads! :D
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Re: Bipolar/PTSD Safari Adventure Tour

Post by Colin »

Thanks Manuel-glad to be here! Wish I had access to something like this 20 years ago but there's still time I guess. The misdiagnoses have derailed me time and time again. All I know is that I can't fix this myself but at the same time I'm the only one who can manage the process of recovery.
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Re: Bipolar/PTSD Safari Adventure Tour

Post by Cheldoll »

Welcome! This sort of resource has been needed for a long, long time. I think there's still time for change in your life, though -- maybe not super ultra Extreme Makeover Mental Illness Edition, but it could make life a little easier to live. And that's all we really want, right?

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Re: Bipolar/PTSD Safari Adventure Tour

Post by Colin »

Thanks, yeah I think it can be better but it won't be perfect. Some stuff is just burned in too deep and will trigger like that last podcast. (By the way, great analysis on your part-after the second listening I can see the complexity that you and Paul are talking about. It would have been a good episode if the focus was on the anguish of perfectionism. Maybe forget the first part?)
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Re: Bipolar/PTSD Safari Adventure Tour

Post by ghughes1980 »

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