20-something depressed and here to learn

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20-something depressed and here to learn

Post by justsomeoneinacorner »

Hello all,
I'm a 20-something college student who has had to take a break from school as a result of my unipolar depression. For me feels more like I'm taking a break from life. I come from an extremely religious family of mental illness deniers. I grew up in a world where there was no mental illness, only punishment for sin (especially sexual ones), demon possession, and the folly of upper class people who just want to feel high all the time. I suffered in silence for a long time.

Over time I chucked those toxic religious ideas, drew boundaries, planted and nurtured positive relationships, practiced meditation, started eating well & exercising, stabilized my finances, and got a handle on my identity --- but that wasn't enough to kick my depression. I hit a road block where it was clear that I still needed medical attention, so that became my top priority. I found and arranged an appointment with a primary care doctor first. She was certain I was depressed and should seek therapy and psychiatric help. So I simultaneously began to look for a therapist and a psychiatrist. After about 6 weeks, dozens of phone calls to nearly everyone in the area who takes my health insurance I found a psychiatrist, clear across town, who was accepting new patients and who could see me reasonable amount of time. I found a therapist right after that. I'm still in the process of finding the right combination of medication and therapy has been good so overall things are looking up.

While things are clearly on the upswing, it's also clear that I still have a lot of work to do. I've managed survive, mainly on my own, and I'm proud of that, but I don't think this will be enough to take me to that next step. So I'm here to start to open up about what I've been through and to learn from people who have been where I've been, suffered what I've suffered and hopefully are going where I'm going if they're not there already. Thanks for reading. Nice to meet you too.
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Re: 20-something depressed and here to learn

Post by irrationalpersist »

Hi justsomeoneinacorner,

I am new here too. You are not alone. My family also suffers from mental illness denial and also needs avoidance - ie. no one in my family ever has to ask for help or for their needs to be addressed.

It is strange to sign on to a forum that says you are not alone and then not have anyone welcome you with your first post. I'm not used to admitting I have mental health issues because I fear members of my family will just say, "See, we knew it all along. You are weak and not worth our attention."

Anyway, congratulations on the positive steps you have taken. It sounds like you were persistent in your search and that you are reaping the rewards of your efforts.

In my experience broadening our perspectives and deepening our understanding creates new ways for us to connect with the world. I share your determination to learn how I can be healthier in all aspects of my life, including my family relationships.

All the best,

Irrational Persistance
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Re: 20-something depressed and here to learn

Post by justsomeoneinacorner »

Thanks for your welcome post! It's good to know I'm not alone.
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