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Unsure about this, but I don't see any harm in this.

Posted: January 3rd, 2015, 10:38 pm
by Idiopathic Dave
Hello, my name is David, Dave, or DK. Whichever you prefer to know me as, I am certainly not picky. I guess I'm starting this account and visiting this forum for the simple reason of curiosity and I figured everyone around me has heard be bitch and complain enough for awhile. Haha. To give a short bio of myself, I'm in my 20's, overweight, unhappy, compassionate, empathetic, and at times have a dark sense of humor. For the past 3 years now I've lived with Cardiomyopathy. Heart failure in other words. Unable to work, unable to exercise as much as I'd prefer, and once again living with my parents. Oh, I feel like a real winner, heh heh. Anyway, this should be an interesting trip and I'm curious to see where all goes. Thank you for spending your time reading my ramblings, I do appreciate that more than you know.

-Idiopathic Dave-

Re: Unsure about this, but I don't see any harm in this.

Posted: January 3rd, 2015, 11:32 pm
by manuel_moe_g
Hello Idiopathic Dave, welcome to our little forum! Can't wait to see you around the threads and topics here! :D

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Thanks for the bio, and thanks for giving our community a try. Cheers, all the best, we here are cheering for you and for your greatest today and tomorrow! :D :D :D