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I've got potential
Posted: September 19th, 2015, 5:15 pm
by Sunshineday
I'm 31. I was diagnosed bipolar at 16. I've been struggling ever since. Self- medicating with alcohol and drugs for many years. 4 years ago I was arrested for assaulting my father and a police officer and I've been sober ever since. Still struggling with depression, anxiety, OCD, and ptsd from abuse I suffered through most of my 20's
I now have a Crappy job that I hate but at least I don't deal with people. I lost two jobs in two years due to anger issues and here I am. Still trying to succeed at life. Still living at home with no real hope of leaving. Driving a 16 year old car and being miserable most days. Whether it be anxiety or depression, it's hell.
Re: I've got potential
Posted: September 22nd, 2015, 7:18 pm
by Geoff 02
Sunshineday, you've got four years of sobriety! You're tackling your issues (depression, anxiety, OCD, PTSD) wide-eyed! (I'm still a bit of a self-medicator. [But, I don't have a problem, right?!]) Congratulations on four years!
I live with my folks, too (figure that's what you meant by "living at home"). I've been able to make some peace with that, but I use it to beat myself up, too.
My job is pretty dead-end, and lately I've been losing hope so far as getting something better. And, while I've never been fired after one of my outbursts at work, I think that says a lot about the places where I was working!
Good meeting you, Sunshineday!
Re: I've got potential
Posted: September 28th, 2015, 3:52 pm
by marc7222
Hope you consider counseling talk therapy CBT or psychiatrist .Unfortunately I wishI can say"do this and do that".I feel tour pain man.
Maybe group therapy?I say thi gs so that you can find a way to "take a break " from the same pattern of negative thinking. Etc...
Is there a group within your community?
It sucks that you are going thru this man.keep your head up.
Re: I've got potential
Posted: September 29th, 2015, 5:45 am
by rc409
Stop feeling like losers if you live at home. In most cities worth living in, house values are so high, it takes two good incomes to buy one. I dont know how you are supposed to overcome that, but its not the definition of loser.