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Giving This A Shot

Posted: December 30th, 2015, 12:08 pm
by TheNotoriousWIG
Hi all,

I'm not really sure where to begin or how much detail to go into, but here it goes. I've had depression since I was about 19 (I'm almost 25 now). Things got really bad around a year and a half ago, where a combination of money problems and my Mom getting terminally ill forced me to leave NYC and move back in with my parents. I've been unemployed and living at home since then, ostensibly to help my Dad out around the house, but really just because I was too depressed to get back out into the world.

I've gone on Paxil recently, and I'm making plans to head back to New York. But I'm scared. I've already lost a year and a half to my depression, and I'm freaking out about everything that could go wrong when I move back, that I've lost my chance at being successful and happy. And more than anything, I'm just tired of being depressed.

Re: Giving This A Shot

Posted: December 31st, 2015, 11:51 am
by manuel_moe_g
Hello TheNotoriousWIG, welcome to our little forum. Make yourself at home in the threads and topics here! :D

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How has Paxil been treating you with regards to your depression?

All the best to you.