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Hello and A Big Idea!!!

Posted: September 4th, 2016, 4:00 pm
by take_care
Hi Everyone!

I hope this post finds you all well! I am a 21-year-old recent college graduate living in New York City.
A few days ago, an idea popped into my head, seemingly out of nowhere. I realized that there is a true need for a place where people my age can go to find advice and resources on all aspects of self-care. This could be an online resource, involving a few key parts: sections for physical health, mental health, emotional wellbeing, and navigating the murky waters of adulthood. This site will be part advice from professionals, part community support group, and part resource for finding further help. The stress of finding a good job, having student loans to pay, navigating relationships, and living up to societal pressure can truly take its toll on many 20-somethings. I know many people of my age group that allow their self-care to fall by the wayside, and I believe that this could truly improve the quality of life of many struggling young adults.

The reason that this idea so appeals to me goes back to my own self-care history. Throughout my young life, I have struggled with my physical and mental well-being. Growing up, I was severely overweight and suffered from body dysmorphia. I also have clinical depression and fairly severe anxiety. I am happy to say that I have lost about 100 pounds since my teen years and have since much improved my mental health as well. This is all due to a mixture of healthy eating, self-love, exercise, medication, therapy, and the help of family, friends, and medical professionals. I strive to be emotionally and physically healthy and to create a life that I love living. My days are often still tainted by depression and anxiety, but now I feel that I have the coping mechanisms needed to get me through my day and begin to create a life for myself. Looking back on the darkest days in my life, I can only imagine how helpful a website such as this would have been when starting out on this journey of self-betterment and care. I think that a resource such as my site could allow more young adults to be more invested in their wellbeing, since they will find a wealth of information on self-care all in one place!

I've emailed with Paul, and he thinks that the best idea would be for me to share this info within the Forum for Mental Illness Happy Hour! I know that there are many people like me on this forum, that have daily struggles, suffer from mental illness, and are always trying to better themselves through self-love, exercise, healthy food, therapy, etc. I would love to hear opinions on my idea, as well as any interesting suggestions! I'd love to keep you all posted as I turn my big idea into a reality :D

ALL the best. Sending love and light and peace to you all. Take care!!!