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Joined: February 9th, 2017, 10:36 am
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Issues: OCD, Depression, Social Anxiety, Food Addiction
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Post by tfu72author »

Hi, I'm new to these boards, and a new listener of the podcast.

I've been struggling with a couple of different mental issues throughout my adult life - OCD and depression have probably been the most time-consuming.

I've struggled with depression since childhood. My OCD issues started when I was in my early twenties, though it took me awhile to even realize I had a problem. It took on a lot of different forms, often involving an urge to throw away perfectly-good items, like pens, pencils, paper, etc.

Probably the worst incidents that came out of my OCD were:
(1) standing up a friend I was supposed to meet at a museum one afternoon because I ended up staying home to do some OCD rituals and I completely lost track of time. I never told that friend the real reason I didn't show up... and our friendship ended not long after that incident.
(2) I purchased a perfectly good, brand-new labtop computer for about $1,000; the next day, I threw it away because of my OCD compulsion. (That incident still makes me cringe whenever I remember it).

For whatever reason, my OCD habits have subsided significantly in the last few years... not sure why, but I guess I should just accept it as a blessing and be happy - though I still have occasional bouts of depression and still worry that my OCD might come back someday. What really troubles me about it is, when I was really deep into my OCD rituals, it all seemed like totally acceptable behavior. It was only when looking back that I realize how bad things had gotten.

I've been toying with the idea of going to one-on-one therapy (went to one for a period when I was much younger for my depression, but didn't stick with it), but I'm kind of hesitant. I was also thinking of trying to commit to going to some type of group therapy (tried that once, but again, didn't stick with it).

Anyway, sorry for the rambling/incoherent intro - just want to say hello, and say that I think this message board is a great idea.
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Re: Hello

Post by manuel_moe_g »

Hello tfu72author, welcome to our little forum. Make yourself at home in the threads and topics here. :D

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I personally don't know much about OCD. I do have personal experience with depression.

Keep the lines of communication open. Take care!
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