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Posted: May 31st, 2019, 12:14 am
by anxietyriddenmomof4
Hello! I'm a newbie just dropping in and saying hi! I'm 26 yrs old with 4 kids.....the black sheep of my family, I struggle with addiction. My addiction was caused as a cooping mechanism for my depression and anxiety as a kid. It shut off the pain and my demons that I've always carried with me (I refer to my demons quite regularly, the not so desired traits about myself). I grew up in a very chaotic and dysfunctional and broken home. growing up I falsely idolized my father. I did anything and everything I could to win his approval yet always feeling like I was falling short. He tried too hard to be a friend to me till right before I turned 18. My mom is was the opposite, very closed off, unemotional, extremely strict helicopter parent. I was shoved into so many sports and band and choir I wasn't able to feel like I was a kid. My mother expected perfection. While my father expected to treat me as a friend while also expecting me to care for my sister who is almost 3 yrs younger. While he was off at work out of state (sometimes up to 6-8hrs away) for up to a week at a time for work. I was 13 at the time.....

My struggles definitely started extremely young for me. I didn't start receiving help tho till I was 12......years after the dark parts started creeping in.

Well I guess that's a lil snippet on me. There's so much more but it's far too much for now. If anyone is curious about anything feel free to strike up conversation.

Re: Anxietyriddenmomof4

Posted: May 31st, 2019, 4:23 pm
by manuel_moe_g
Hello anxietyriddenmomof4, welcome to our little forum!

What help did you receive when you were 12?

Re: Anxietyriddenmomof4

Posted: May 31st, 2019, 6:10 pm
by brownblob
Welcome to the forum. 4 kids is quite a handful.

Re: Anxietyriddenmomof4

Posted: June 2nd, 2019, 8:52 am
by rivergirl
Hi anxietyriddenmomof4,

I'm so sorry to hear that you've had such a rough go of it in your life.

You have a lot of awareness about your past and issues affecting you for someone who is just 26.
Are you still getting support and help?

Welcome to the forum!
