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Her life and her blurb are a work in progress

Posted: September 5th, 2011, 5:02 pm
by CallSignKay
Hi, everyone! I'm taking the opportunity on this very rainy night to catch up on Paul's podcast and this forum. I learned about it through Sklarbro Country and am looking forward to future 'casts and being involved with this board.

I've dealt with a mix of anxiety and depression since I was a teenager. Tried talk therapy, meds, avoiding the issue, and have only recently found help with a steady dose of Lexapro and learning to forgive myself for not being perfect. I'm 34, I live with my parents, I work part-time and am going to school to be a CSI. It's stressful but it helps me to have a goal to work towards. And to have something to occupy my mind. If I'm left alone with my thoughts for extended periods of time, it's a bad thing.

A lot of who I am now is in reaction to what my family is like. My parents are very old school; they grew up in the South where segregation was the norm, and they say some really inappropriate things. Retirement isn't mellowing them out, as my dad's temper is as short as ever and my mom is a control freak who insists on seeing the negative in everyone and everything. My older sister is married, lives in DC but hates it there but is too afraid to move. She's highly opinionated, melodramatic, and insists on making everyone around her miserable if she is unhappy. I used to try to argue with them, but I've learned that they won't change and the only thing I can control is how I deal with them.

So this has been a good year, much better than the last, and I'm hoping that we can continue to help and learn from each other. Thanks so much, Paul and the webmaster, for all the work you do. It's greatly appreciated!

Re: Her life and her blurb are a work in progress

Posted: September 13th, 2011, 10:29 pm
by Paul Gilmartin
Welcome! If there's a murder in the forum, you will be our go-to. It's great that you're furthering your education. And you sound like you're doing great and have a healthy perspective given all that you have on your plate. I'm going to stay with my mom for five days and I know I will be ready to go home by the fifth day. Living with parents must be very stressful. Sounds like you have a light at the end of the tunnel though. Glad you like the podcast!


Re: Her life and her blurb are a work in progress

Posted: March 17th, 2013, 3:44 pm
by Cheldoll
Happy birthday to this lovely lady!! :D

Re: Her life and her blurb are a work in progress

Posted: March 17th, 2013, 4:15 pm
by Fredbo
Hey CallSignKay,
Welcome to the party... And I think everyone is a work in progress!!! Good luck with family & school. Nothing, and I mean nothing, is easy. Happy birthday!


Re: Her life and her blurb are a work in progress

Posted: March 17th, 2013, 9:01 pm
by ghughes1980