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Climbing out of a hole, Thanks for the leg up.

Posted: September 27th, 2011, 6:26 pm
by PaulFB
Greetings everyone,

I am new here. I have been a regular viewer of The Young Turks You Tube channel and earlier this summer the host took a vacation and invited guest host to fill in for a few weeks. Jimmy Dore was one of those guest hosts which lead me to his weekly podcast where Paul Gilmartin is a regular contributor. That lead me here to where I found this wonderful surprise. I have been coming back weekly to listen to the podcast and I am constantly moved and surprised by the openness and honesty that is displayed by both Paul and his guests. The blogs too, I find to be very insightful and display a wisdom and compassion that is so rare. The Slow Slide Into Crazy and Self-pity is a drug posts are, in my opinion, pure gold.

I have been suffering from depression for so long that I don't know when it started. First, I thought is started about 20 years ago in my mid twenties. Then I thought it began in my mid-teens. The more I found out about the symptoms the further back the beginning feels. In the last five years it has become drastically worse and worse. I believe that this deterioration is the result of the drugs I prescribed to treat it. I have been free of anti-depressants for over a year now and I feel like I am starting to climb out this hole. I would like to share with you all what exactly I have done to do this but that is for other posts. However, I will say that for the most part the healing is done through education, learning and understanding my own thought processes and how the brain works. This site, The Mental Illness Happy Hour, is one the resources that I have found that has helped me a great deal and I only found out about it just over a month ago. I look forward to sharing and caring in the future but for a start I would like to share a video I found about depression. This is an hour long lecture by Stanford professor Dr. Robert Sapolsky. It focuses on depression but I think it has great value regardless of the disorder because I believe that whatever the disorder it begins with depression and almost all depression begins with stress. And there is no more stressful phenomena than abuse and grief.

Re: Climbing out of a hole, Thanks for the leg up.

Posted: October 11th, 2011, 1:00 pm
by Paul Gilmartin
Welcome and thanks for the link!

Paul :D