heya (・∀・)ノ゛
Posted: June 15th, 2022, 1:58 pm
what's up! i'm kieran and i'm 22 (23 next month!). i've been recently diagnosed(? maybe? my trauma therapist said it "definitely sounds like (i) have a dissociative disorder" so i'm counting that) with other specified dissociative disorder type 1 (similar to DID, just with a different type of amnesia that lets me remember things but still registers them as having happened to someone else) so you might hear from roman, nikolás, aj, alice, and/or julie. or someone else, who knows what could happen
i'm here because i started listening to the podcast recently and wanted to make friends with other people who have the same interest in abnormal psychology (trying to ignore how the name is a bit insensitive) and may have the same issues as me *gestures toward my profile*. or just issues in general! only the #coolkids have mental disorders. (picture me wearing sunglasses but it's like, clearly to hide that i'm on the verge of tears. but i still look really stylish.)
other than a mentally ill dude ("dude" being used loosely), i'm a cat owner, a pubished poet, a theatre student (i promise i won't start singing without permission), a hobbyist web developer, and above all, Just Some Guy.
nice to meet you all! i'm excited to be an active member of the community
- kieran
i'm here because i started listening to the podcast recently and wanted to make friends with other people who have the same interest in abnormal psychology (trying to ignore how the name is a bit insensitive) and may have the same issues as me *gestures toward my profile*. or just issues in general! only the #coolkids have mental disorders. (picture me wearing sunglasses but it's like, clearly to hide that i'm on the verge of tears. but i still look really stylish.)
other than a mentally ill dude ("dude" being used loosely), i'm a cat owner, a pubished poet, a theatre student (i promise i won't start singing without permission), a hobbyist web developer, and above all, Just Some Guy.
nice to meet you all! i'm excited to be an active member of the community
- kieran