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Hello and hi..

Posted: March 25th, 2012, 9:39 am
by rwillson
A lot to possibly say in an introduction so I will go with basics..

42 year old male, unmarried but at one time was engaged but sadly she passed away. Diagnosed bipolar, borderline & ADD. Recovering addict, alcoholic, cutter and eating disorder, although the last two seem to pass through my thoughts the most. I may have 12 years clean I don't see it as a great accomplishment..

Used to work I graphic design and advertising untill my first bipolar episode, a career that fed of a disorder that in the end would do me in just as fast as my past addictions..

Kinda like learning that the voices in your hear are not only real but right..

I found the podcast by pure chance, one might say the modern day variation of surfing the radio dial, after that I was hooked..

Keep up the good work..


Re: Hello and hi..

Posted: March 25th, 2012, 9:49 am
by rwillson
Wanted to add, presently medicated properly, I think??

I have also been involved in 12-step recovery off and on for 12 years. First introduced to it after landing in LA following rehab. Admittedly I have a love hate relationship with recovery & it wasn't untill I engaged in a comprehensive DBT program that any of it ever made sense. I understand that a spiritual component is a big part of recovery but it wasn't untill I was introduced to a cognitive component did I begin to prove beneficial..

In the past fitness was always a fall back, a security blanket and a reinforcer of the positive things in my life. It saved my life more than once. I am presently getting back into working as a personal trainer with hopes of marketing my skills to the recovery and mental health industry. As it helped me in the past I hope I can use it to help others who are either in or have been where I have been..


Re: Hello and hi..

Posted: March 25th, 2012, 3:07 pm
by algernon
Helloooooo Mr. Willson!!

I hope your experience in here proves valuable for you as it has for me and many others.

To think and read the problems and answers from fellow human beings promotes knowledge and hope and joy.

It's all here.

Re: Hello and hi..

Posted: April 13th, 2012, 1:55 am
by Paul Gilmartin
Welcome to the forum! I hope you find this to be a safe and understanding place to be yourself. We're glad you're here and thanks for listening.
