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Posted: May 28th, 2012, 7:12 pm
by Me, RN
I don't know. This is a great podcast. It has helped me feel less alone.

Wish something would make me feel less sad. I've felt this way since I was 10. I'm 38 now.


Re: hi

Posted: May 28th, 2012, 10:07 pm
by jenloiacono
hi Me, RN :)

I'm glad you've found the podcast and it's helping you feel less alone. I find that is one of the best things to help me feel a bit better.

i'm not sure what to say, but i just want to encourage you to feel comfortable talking about what's going on in this setting. it's a safe place with a lot of wonderful people who only want to best for you. talking about what's going on and sorting through my thoughts on the forum has helped me tremendously in the short time i've been participating.

welcome again!


Re: hi

Posted: May 29th, 2012, 1:00 am
by seb
Hello RN!

I'm a year older than you and can tell you that I know how you're feeling. You do get tired. Weary. Capable of sighing so hard that next door's poodle ends up in someone's pool three blocks over. But you've found others that you can talk to, even if it's in a cyber-kinda-way-rather-than-a-real-life-kinda-way. So feel free to share, vent, wail, encourage, laugh and read along with the rest of us. It really does help.

Welcome to the forums. Look forward to chatting with you, if you're in a chatty mood. :mrgreen:

Re: hi

Posted: June 16th, 2012, 8:43 am
by WoebegoneWarrior
Hi, RN. I've had depressive symptoms that I can remember since I was 10, too. I'm 43 and am just now getting the right kind of help. It can take years to find the right help for you. It shouldn't, but it does. I remember feeling last year (in my last deep depression) like, "Here I am again. I don't have it in me to crawl and climb up out of another hole." But I did. With a lot of help. Still climbing, actually. A year ago I read this book, Beyond Blue, by Therese Borchard, about her 10 year struggle to find the right help for her manic depression. I think it helped me to know that the right help is out there if I keep looking for it.