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25 year old bipolar in Buffalo, NY

Posted: August 25th, 2012, 7:33 am
by littlevittles
Hello Everyone,

this is my first time trying out any sort of forum medium, but I have been listening to the podcast for a few weeks now and I feel like this is a community I would like to join at this point in my life.

I am knees deep in my quarter life crisis right now - recently unemployed because of a sexual harassment situation at my last job that, of course, I blamed myself for, sending me into a horrible depression I just can't shake. I have bipolar II and really horrible social anxiety, and the ordeal was so awful. My shift manager would humiliate me in front of customers all the time - "you looking for something sweet? (I worked counter at a bakery) well - you're in luck, Kelly is working!" he would say while grabbing my ass behind the counter. Or he would talk about me with the male coworkers and I could overhear - "2 more week and she'll be on her knees". I just think about it and keep bursting into tears, I don't know how I'm going to afford my rent now and I am so humiliated I haven't pursued anything legally but at the same time with my social anxiety and my bipolar I can't stop thinking about it, obsessing about it, and hating myself. I am scared to apply for jobs because I just don't want to get stuck in that position again. I wondered if anyone else has struggled with something simular and could give me some sort of advice.

Re: 25 year old bipolar in Buffalo, NY

Posted: August 27th, 2012, 11:02 am
by manuel_moe_g
I have no advice, but I will pray for you. Please take care, you didn't deserve to have this happen to you, just because you need a job.

Re: 25 year old bipolar in Buffalo, NY

Posted: August 27th, 2012, 5:50 pm
by apb7721
We're here for you! I lived near buffalo for 13 years and now live east of syracuse. Id buy you a coffee or a beer if i was still out your way! We all need someone we can talk to in person and vent all of our struggles. Again, we here are all each other's shoulders and ears to vent and cry on

Re: 25 year old bipolar in Buffalo, NY

Posted: August 28th, 2012, 3:23 am
by celticfan32
I am bipolar as well but I get angry with mine. It's like my mouth says whatever I'm thinking at the time. So of course my advice for you would be stick up for yourself first of all. You just have to believe that the situation isn't your fault. It is his fault and you know what...everyone knows that. so you should believe it to. He is the sick one...not you. Sure we have issues but he is sick. Just remember that when you get hired at your next job that you will know what to look for. I have learned that we are the only ones that have to stick up for ourselves and take care of ourselves. If I lived close I would beat him up for you :) Keep your head up and just take the little steps you need to take to get this taken care of. If you do want to take care of it then you will be saving someone that he might do it next to...or you can just move on with your life and hopefully the next person will take care of it. Maybe you should move on and look at the future instead of wasting your time on that guy. There are better jobs out there for you with better co workers. Not all jobs are like that one. i am here if you need someone....don't hesitate to ask. we are all here for you. Take one step at a will get there.

Re: 25 year old bipolar in Buffalo, NY

Posted: September 19th, 2012, 4:35 pm
by Wordsmith
Oh my god, FUCK that guy who talked about you like that and did those things, especially in front of customers. Nobody deserves that treatment. I don't know why, but it makes me feel better about reading that when I imagine that I worked there too, and I noticed that shit, and kicked that guy's ass because of it (elaborate coping fantasies of violence? I'm totally normal).

I hope you find your way to resilience in this job market. I have personally given up on internet stuff for the most part, unless its to submit apps to specific places. Craigslist, etc. is not a realistic option for me.

Anyway, I keep talkign about me, but I want to say that I'm bummed you were objectified that way. It makes you feel like the person doing it doesn't think of you as a person. It makes you feel like they are communicating that your needs are not important. I heard Paul say that not too long ago. I think it was the episode he did by himself.

Cheers Vittles.