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Eh? from Canada.

Posted: November 11th, 2012, 9:29 pm
by Kanata
I've been posting on the forums but didn't introduce myself. How rude!

I'm kanata. 37 yr old Canadian. I attempted suicide at 11 so I take that as the starting point. I've been depressed for 26 years. Diagnosed with "Chronic Major Depression". Add a dose of PTSD from abuse when I was in my teens and a dash of anxiety. There is some debate of "Borderline Personality Disorder" but I refuse to accept it (which I am aware is a symptom of BPD) since I've only had it tagged to me when I've been so low I've actually gone to the hospital, and because I'm a woman (or present as one - I'm some sort of mixed up gender). To me that fact that I learned to anticipate everyone's emotions and try to present them with what they want is less BPD and a rationale friggin thing when you are being beaten, assaulted because you've done one thing wrong...

...oops, I didn't mean to get into that. It has been pressing in my brain for a few days... I'm rationale, and calm as the next person! Honest! :)

I've done the gamut of anti-depressants. My doc says I've run out of single use ADs and most combinations of them + other stuff. I'm a shining example that meds do not fix or help all people and I'm slightly jealous that Paul has found some ones that seem to have lifted his mood lately (Tho thankful that they have). Still I keep trying.

I'm in weekly therapy with a decent one at last. After many many bad ones. It seems to be helping some. I realized that I'm allowed feelings now, and that it is OK to be emotional with people. The podcast has helped a lot with that too. Anyway, that's an awkward introduction of all my flaws.

Re: Eh? from Canada.

Posted: November 12th, 2012, 6:18 am
by fifthsonata
I know there's more to you than your flaws. Wanna share those?

Also - BPD isn't as bad a diagnosis as one might think. I was diagnosed with it myself (coincidentally when I was in the hospital). I've done DBT a few times. If you ever want to chat about that, I'm here.

Welcome :)

Re: Eh? from Canada.

Posted: November 12th, 2012, 5:24 pm
by Kanata
Thanks for the welcome :)

Yeah, I know BPD is not that bad. I struggle with accepting it since when I was first diagnosed years ago the doctor saw me for 5 mins in the hospital and told me "You are BPD. You will always be suicidal." and then turfed me out the door. At least my new doctor says that you can go into remission from it and that I don't have to tolerate always being suicidal (who'd have thought?).

Um not flaws....hmmm...

I have a rescue dog that I love and that saved my life. I got her a month after I attempted suicide figuring that if I can't connect with a dog then I might not as live. Since then I've been able to stop hiding in my house, walk 2 hrs every day, made new friends, am more confident in myself and able to actually make eye contact and small talk with people. I'm big into animal therapy.

I'm into knitting, journaling, painting, poetry..etc. Man, why is it so hard to talk about any good qualities we have?

Re: Eh? from Canada.

Posted: November 14th, 2012, 12:38 pm
by Stina
Hi kanata -

Just wanted to say 'hi" and welcome. :-)

Re: Eh? from Canada.

Posted: November 17th, 2012, 6:43 pm
by ironhorse
Hi Kanata, here's a big welcome from another Canadian like you with cold hands and a warm heart. (I know!)