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Opinionated Canadian

Posted: November 23rd, 2012, 9:24 am
by Harlow
Hello, all.

I've already posted a few times, but thought I should still introduce myself.

Struggled with self-esteem issues, depression. Mediation helps, therapy less so, but haven't given up completely yet (on therapy).

Love the show, find it immensely helpful. So glad it exists.

I'm also a bit snotty and opinionated (as evidenced by my GOP bashing entries that I just posted). Hope that's okay.

Re: Opinionated Canadian

Posted: November 23rd, 2012, 11:52 am
by phantom
Hi - I'm new here too. I personally am not the least bit offended at the discussion of politics or religion on the podcast or the board. Sometimes when I'm reconstructing my personal "mental health narrative", it's impossible to skip over the affect politics and religions had on me. In all honesty, the way I was treated by members of a "certain" political persuasion (and religion) plays a big part of who I am today. It is my opinion that certain topics shouldn't be discouraged when searching for personal truth.

Don't worry about offending people by calling them out on their belief systems - you're actually doing them a favor by stirring up that cognitive dissonance.


Re: Opinionated Canadian

Posted: November 23rd, 2012, 1:40 pm
by Harlow