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Hi, its my first time here and I'm not sure where to start

Posted: December 29th, 2012, 4:54 pm
by db24
I started lessening to the podcast in the past week, at times I get something out of it but it cool just to lessen to other people talk that doesn’t have to do about movie, music of something they want to plug.

I have tourette's syndrome and unlike other illnesses I can’t hide behind a smell, my illnesses is on the surface for everyone to see and there isn’t anything I can do to get better, I have facial tick, I can’t stop blinking and twitching my head, I roll my shoulder, twitch me ears and eyebrows and can’t sit still. I also have very bad anxiety that can last for day, depression and insomnia, on a good week I can get 20 hours sleep and I also swear a lot when I talk. The good thing is I really good at sports, I can run and jump like I’m on steroids.

I hate it when people say there are a lot worse people out there then you, its easy to say that when there isn’t anything wrong with you, trying being me for an hour and let see if you don’t want to kill your self. I find it hard to talk to people and make new friend, I’m always thinking they think I’m strange and forget about picking up a girl, in a way its good, I wouldn’t want to have a kid that is born with tourette's.

I’m always angry and never been happy, out of my whole life I only can remember one day that I was happy on my 22nd birthday, I went out on my own to a dance party and took ecstasy for the first time.

I’m not sure what I’m meant to say and I’m freaking out that I’ve started every paragraph with I so I’m going to stop typing now.

Re: Hi, its my first time here and I'm not sure where to sta

Posted: December 30th, 2012, 6:43 am
by Herself
You can say whatever you need to say! And it's not a school paper; don't worry about writing style. We're glad to have you.


Re: Hi, its my first time here and I'm not sure where to sta

Posted: December 30th, 2012, 7:23 am
by the cheat
hi db.

whoever decided swearing was bad, anyway? fuck 'em!

welcome to the forum.

Re: Hi, its my first time here and I'm not sure where to sta

Posted: December 30th, 2012, 7:31 pm
by LittleOrphanMissy
Agreed! "Fuck em,Fuck em, and Fuck em again!!!!"
Glad to meet you too!

Re: Hi, its my first time here and I'm not sure where to sta

Posted: December 30th, 2012, 9:47 pm
by RationalMuse
Welcome. I am new too so I know how awkward introductions can be. I teach high school and have had many students with Tourette's. I work really hard to show the student that I am looking and talking to the person not the ticks and movements - right in their eyes. Know that there are people out there can will "see" only you and until then know we are looking you right in the eyes and only listen to what you have to say without judgement.

There is no other you so knowing there are generic people that are worse off doesn't help one little bit! For me, one of the most destructive things I do is comparing myself to others - I am sure you have heard it before, but when you start comparing you will ALWAYS find someone better and someone worse off than you. But only you have to live in your body with your life; it is all relative. It is hard and some stuff just sucks no matter how you frame it.

P.S. I only wish I could blame my incredibly foul language on a disease - I swear like a motherfucking whore. :lol: