My First Post...
Posted: January 5th, 2013, 2:47 pm
Greetings...Been listening to the podcast since June 2012. I guess the mental downward spiral of the holidays made me want to reach out and join in the community. I originally began listening because my spouse lives with depression and possibly other mental conditions. I wanted to find answers to help him find his way through. As I listened to the podcasts I became aware that he will need to seek this information for himself in order to find any real peace. However, what I didn't expect was how much I was benefiting personally. I too have struggled with depression and anxiety---just figured I had to deal with it, that it was part of my make-up. I tend to minimize my own struggles and look to take care of everyone else...Yes, the classic enabler. I won't drone on, but I feel good to know this community exists and look forward to interactions in the future.