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This place was/is the start of something great for me

Posted: February 8th, 2013, 6:18 pm
by Banny
I started listening to TMIHH (is this how it's abbreviated?) in December & am immensely thankful for it.

When I first found the podcast, I was depressed, stuck, binge eating & starting to get hopeless. Last summer I finally found a family doctor & on top of the list was my untreated ADD/anxiety/depression. The immediate response from the doc was hesitant, but I was referred to a psychiatrist for an evaluation who diagnosed me as having all three of the above. I didn't want to treat the depression with anti depressants as I had taken some when I was in my late teens & the effects terrified me. She suggested I take Adderall to alleviate the two other symptoms. She also advised me to see a therapist as she found my upbringing to be... I forget the words she used, but effectively kind of messed up. I didn't want to consider therapy since in every portrayal I'd seen of it, it was this wishy-washy emotional thing where people cry over spilled milk. & besides, I wasn't abused - why would I need it? but as 'fate' would have it, Paul went on Chris Hardwick's 'The Nerdist' podcast which I had just gotten into recently & something about it pulled me in. So I started at the very first podcast & worked my way forward. I often found myself cringing at Paul's - well at Paul in general (Whatever it was I either got used to, or Paul got better at) and want to just pause the podcast & find something else, but I'm so glad I pushed through. But a few episodes in, i felt the need to try this therapy thing out, it seemed to help people I'd otherwise respect.

Well that changed everything. I won't go into details, but it's been so freeing & enlightening. I found huge pockets of... I don't know what to call it, but parts of myself I had just kind of forgotten about or lost. It's only 2 months in, but I feel as though I'm no longer spiraling downwards, I'm just spinning in place instead. Close enough.

Thanks Paul.

Re: This place was/is the start of something great for me

Posted: February 8th, 2013, 6:48 pm
by Lark
Well welcome to the forum Banny we are glad to have you!

It's funny the stuff you were saying how you felt about Paul and the things he said when you first started listening. It's actually quite an evolution as you continue to listen to the podcasts. I am glad to hear you are in a better place now because of it. It's amazing how powerful all of this sharing and being open is. It has indeed been the start of something great for me as well.

Re: This place was/is the start of something great for me

Posted: February 8th, 2013, 7:22 pm
by Banny
Sharing is caring :) and I'm glad you feel connected!