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Hello, Friends.

Posted: March 21st, 2013, 9:40 pm
by PopcornPrincess
Hi everyone. I've been listening for a few weeks now and love the podcast. I have many issues although I have never been diagnosed with anything formally. I have just your generalized depression, combined with food/body issues and obsession, process addictions (think OCDish type things) and I'd say I'm very codependent and a love/relationship addict. I find so much value in each podcast episode and am looking forward to learning and helping others on the boards.

On a "getting to know me" note, I'm 38(!), female, and a writer/editor in the Midwest. I have an 8-yr-old son and my hobbies are swimming, archery, architecture/design and horse racing (watching, not actually racing). ;)

Have a good night everyone.

Re: Hello, Friends.

Posted: March 21st, 2013, 9:51 pm
by ghughes1980

Re: Hello, Friends.

Posted: March 22nd, 2013, 12:25 pm
by Mr. Sweetpotato
I just started listening also and this is my first day on the forums. I saw that you like archery. My wife just started shooting and I have been for about 30 years. I love the calm that I get from shooting. I am starting my journey to mental healthiness and have the podcast to thank for that. I have my first therapy session in two weeks. I hope to meet some people here that I can talk to and that I can be a helpful ear for someone to talk to. Nice to meet you!