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Multiple Diagnosis Disorder

Posted: June 2nd, 2013, 4:01 am
by kikilala
Oh, hi!

Hello everyone. :) I'm a female, early 30s, struggled with social anxiety from around age 10, OCD and depression from 18-present, crumbled every time a relationship broke up in my 20s (which was often), diagnosed bipolar II mid-20s, happy to discover I fit the INFP and a highly sensitive person (HSP) descriptions... diagnosed BPD age 30... not convinced about it, but definitely suffer identity disturbance and shifting moods. Now I just wish that I could be free of self-obsession (which possibly takes up about 60% of my thoughts and energy right now!) and be comfortable with who I am. I'd rather let go of all my diagnoses and just feel at peace. I was adopted as a baby and I'm not sure I'll ever recover from it, but there are many wonderful things in my life which I'm trying to enjoy!

Anyways... How are you guys?

Re: Multiple Diagnosis Disorder

Posted: June 2nd, 2013, 4:14 pm
by adrivahni
Hi kikilala . Welcome to the forum.

I totally get what you mean about wanting to just let go of all your diagnoses. I feel the same way. After a while it's all just labels. I hope you are able to find peace, you deserve it.

Re: Multiple Diagnosis Disorder

Posted: June 2nd, 2013, 11:10 pm
by kikilala
Thank you :D