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Posted: July 27th, 2013, 9:04 pm
by lawlessness45
Howdy. Figured I had to start somewhere and it might as well be here. I've been listening to the podcast for about a month now and figured I should check the blog and site out. I've found both to be refreshingly helpful. I was diagnosed with depression when I was 13. I'm now 27. So I've been dealing with it ( in varying degrees of success and failure) for a good portion of my life. I thought everything was hunky-dory till about 3 weeks ago when I had a binge drinking/cutting session. I haven't had one of those in a few years. It was then I realized that things may be getting to me more than I thought. It is just so easy to pretend that things are fine, and to tell yourself that things are fine. Its easy to feel and see the signs that you may be spiraling down, but to deny it. To say, "no--I'm fine. Just tired. I just need more sleep" or "I've had a stressful week" or to make a million other excuses, because I don't want to admit that I'm back there. Back at that place of suckieness. Especially when I've been doing so well for what seems to be such a long time. But when you find yourself choking back tears because your boss reminds you to take out the trash before the end of your shift, something is definitely not ok. So....yeah. I'm doing ok. Changing my meds around and just hanging on. Kind of waiting for things to get better. BBBBut....anyhow. Guess thats is. Pleased to meet ya'll. :)

Re: Howdy.

Posted: July 28th, 2013, 5:07 am
by duck1
Hi lawlessness45,

I could very much identify with the trash can part. Sometimes small little things - a few colleagues telling inner jokes, or maybe look like their laughing at me, someone talking with me inpatiently, looking stupid in a conversation, can really be a bummer from me, and leave me with this feeling that I am vaulnerable.
and then I get a really bad feeling on the way home in the bus.

thanks for sharing.