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Hello with tears and hopes

Posted: December 6th, 2013, 5:43 pm
by MidMoMom
I finally entered the world of ipod technology through an unexpected gift. Just found this podcast by chance while trying to find something to listen to at work. While listening to Paul being interviewed by Alison I wrote the link down and have been catching up on episodes since. Cannot continue this right now as an old episode I listed to today has brought about a few feelings so I have been emotional which is not allowed. Blocking emotions and tears is what I do best. And now I am rambling like Paul so hope to meet many of you soon. :violin:

Re: Hello with tears and hopes

Posted: December 6th, 2013, 8:59 pm
by Moses
Emotions are allowed, but what is not allowed is crying, behavior not easily explicable to those around you based on surrounding obvious environment, conversations to those persons who are not physically present, even if it all makes perfect sense to you . . .Trust me - I almost got myself thrown in jail because of the above. . . .the only thing that kept me out was the fact that I didn't seem like a threat to myself or others . . .lol :o

I'm new here, too, so I hope you come back.

Re: Hello with tears and hopes

Posted: December 9th, 2013, 5:10 am
by bigeekgirl
Nice to meet you.

I've lately - for better or worse - become a member of the "crying at work" club. People are far more compassionate than I ever would have expected.

Hope to see you around the forums.